Increased support for the United Right coalition. Kantar poll for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24

Poland will hold parliamentary election this fall
Poland will hold parliamentary election this fall
Źródło: TVN24

Poland ruling United Right coalition can count on 31% support in the this year's parliamentary election, which is 3 percentage points more than last month, according to the latest Kantar poll for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24. Support for Civic Coalition has declined down to 26%. The poll showed, that three other parties would also win seats in the Sejm: Confederation, Poland 2050, and The Left.

According to the latest poll carried out on March 14-16 by Kantar for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24, the United Right enjoys the highest support. The ruling coalition would receive support of 31% of the respondents, which is 3 percentage points more than in the previous Kantar poll for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24, conducted in February 2023.

Civic Coalition lost 3 pp compared to the February poll as this month 26% of those asked vowed to vote for the biggest opposition party. As a result, Civic Coalition has lost the lead in the polls.

The far-right Confederation party would win 9% of votes (+1 pp). Poland 2050 would also secure 9% (-2 pp). The Left would also win seats in the Sejm, as 6% (+1 pp) of those asked in the poll would support the left-wing party.

Polish Coalition - Polish People's Party and Kukiz'15 would secure 2% of votes each, whereas Accord and AgroUnia would win 1% of votes if they ran together.

Full outcome of March's Kantar poll "Fakty" TVN and TVN24:

United Right (Law and Justice, Zbigniew Ziobro's United Poland, Republicans) - 31% (+3 pp compared to February's poll),

Civic Coalition (Civic Platform, Modern, Polish Initiative, The Greens) - 26% (-3 pp),

Szymon Hołownia's Poland 2050 - 9% (-2 pp),

Confederation Liberty and Independence (Korwin, National Movement, Braun) - 9% (+1 pp),

The Left (Democratic Left Alliance, Spring, Razem) - 6% (+1 pp).

Parties below the minimum threshold of 5% of votes:

Koalicja Polska - Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe - 2 procent (spadek o 1 pp.),

Polish Coalition - Polish People's Party - 2% (-1 pp),

Kukiz'15 - 2% (no change),

Accord and AgroUnia - 1% (-1 pp).


Nie wiem\trudno powiedzieć\jeszcze nie zdecydowałem(am)\odmowa odpowiedzi - 13 procent (wzrost o 1 pp.).

As many as 13% (+1 pp) of those surveyed picked the option"Don't know/Hard to say/Haven't decided yet/Refuse to answer.

The latest phone survey was conducted by Kantar on March 14-16, 2023, on a nationwide, representative sample of 1000 people aged 18+. The question regarding voter sentiment was answered by 666 persons.

See also: