PM Tusk: danger lurks just a few kilometers away. You are the guarantee that nothing bad will happen

Premier Donald Tusk, wiceminister Obrony Narodowej Cezary Tomczyk oraz wicepremier, minister obrony narodowej Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz
Premier Donald Tusk podczas spotkania wigilijnego z żołnierzami 15. pułku przeciwlotniczego w Gołdapi

"It is a source of personal happiness for me that, after so many years in a free Poland, the uniform of a Polish soldier inspires hope and joy in every Polish home," said Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Together with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, the prime minister met on Monday with soldiers from the 15th Gołdap Anti-Aircraft Regiment.

On Monday, Prime Minister Tusk and Deputy Prime Minister Kosiniak-Kamysz participated in a Christmas meeting with the soldiers and staff of the 15th Gołdap Anti-Aircraft Regiment. Gołdap is located right on the border with Russia. "You are heroes not just during this festive meal, but every day," the prime minister told the soldiers.

Tusk also recalled the events of December 16, 1970, when workers were fired upon. "I remember the great hope among people that the Polish Army would never do such a thing," he said. He noted that 11 years later, on the very same day, as an adult, he was once again at the shipyard and saw "exactly the same images."

"On that same day, tragic news from Silesia reached me and others in Gdańsk," Tusk added. On December 16, 1981, the pacification of a strike at the "Wujek" Coal Mine in Katowice took place during the imposition of martial law.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Deputy Defense Minister Cezary Tomczyk and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz
Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Deputy Defense Minister Cezary Tomczyk and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz

Tusk: uniform of a Polish soldier inspires hope and joy

"This memory is very important to me because, as the Prime Minister of the Polish government, I can say that it brings me genuine personal happiness that, after so many years in an independent Poland, the uniform of a Polish soldier inspires hope and joy in every Polish home, in every corner of our country. We feel safe thanks to you," said Donald Tusk, addressing the soldiers.

The Prime Minister reflected that what he has witnessed firsthand serves as a "great lesson in history" and a reminder that "the homeland is always under some form of threat." He added, "Today, we also feel that danger lurks beyond Poland's borders, just a few kilometers from here."

Tusk reassured the soldiers that they are "the first guarantee that nothing bad will happen in Poland, and no one will dare attack us, thanks to your hard service." He expressed gratitude on behalf of all Poles, saying, "I want to thank you very much for this."

PM Tusk: you are heroes not just during this festive meal, but every day
PM Tusk: you are heroes not just during this festive meal, but every day
Źródło: TVN24

Kosiniak-Kamysz on defense spending

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz emphasized the importance of national security and the Polish people's unity in their love for the Polish Armed Forces. He noted that this shared sentiment explains the widespread acceptance of increasing defense spending year after year.

"Thank you for your service. This is something that truly unites Poles. If there is anything that greatly brings us together today, it is our genuine love for soldiers and the Polish Armed Forces," Kosiniak-Kamysz said.

He added that the shared commitment to security allows Poland to build a strong army, now numbering 208,000 personnel, according to the latest statistics from the previous week.

The Defense Minister highlighted that air defense is an "absolute priority," mentioning the purchase of the American Integrated Battle Command System (IBCS) for air defense coordination. "The full launch and integration of this system will take place this week in Sochaczew," he announced.

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