The value of the help provided in this year's edition of the Szlachetna Paczka (Noble Gift) campaign amounted to nearly 72.5 million zlotys. Over 12,000 volunteers took part, and more than 17,000 families in need received aid. "Once again, we showed that we know how to share," said the organizers.
The 24th edition of the Szlachetna Paczka has concluded, with the total amount of help being exactly 72,456,980 zlotys. A total of 17,020 families were supported this year, which means that the average value of a package for one family was 4,257 zlotys. This translates to 44,600 individuals helped throughout Poland.
"Your kindness continues to amaze us, thank you!" said Joanna Sadzik, president of the WIOSNA Association, which organizes Szlachetna Paczka.
"'In the coming weeks, we will be safe and happy, without worrying about daily life,' was what I heard from one of the families. The unwrapping of the package was accompanied by disbelief, emotion, and later joy. All good emotions. And then gratitude," she added, emphasizing that thanks to the involvement of others, the lives of many families "changed for the better."
Noble Gift 2024
In this year's edition of the campaign, 12,234 volunteers participated, which was a few dozen more than last year. The number of families supported was also slightly higher. Among them were families affected by floods.
Organizers noted that the past months had been difficult, with many Poles focused more on saving. Despite this, the campaign once again showed that the ability to share and help those in need is still alive.
The gifts were delivered to those in need during the so-called "Weekend of Miracles" on December 14-15. During this time, "true miracles happened," noted the organizers of Szlachetna Paczka.
"A young girl from one of the recipient families, when she saw a new school backpack, eagerly started packing for school, even though it was just the beginning of the weekend. Mr. Tadeusz, after assembling his new walker and taking the first slow steps, exclaimed in admiration: 'It's so beautiful, I could take it to a dance,'" the organizer wrote on their website.
Nearly half of the gifts were prepared by relatives and friends. 28 percent of the presents were created by companies, and 15 percent came from the involvement of students, pupils, and education employees. Another 4 percent of the help was gathered by public office workers and institutions.
Hundreds of millions in aid
Since its inception, Szlachetna Paczka has supported those in need with aid worth over 711 million PLN. The recipients are nominated by others as individuals who might need help. These nominations are verified by the organizers, and then added to a database from which donors can select a family to assist. The campaign can also be supported through direct donations to the Szlachetna Paczka account.
Autorka/Autor: gf
Źródło: TVN24 News in English,
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