Fort Trump, Nord Stream 2 and a joint declaration. President Duda met Donald Trump at the White House

President Duda completed his visit to the USA
"Safeguarding freedom, building prosperity through Poland-US Strategic Partnership". Polish and American presidents signed a joint declaration
Źródło: TVN24 International

Polish President Andrzej Duda asked Trump for a permanent U.S. base during a White House meeting, offering to name it "Fort Trump," and explaining it would be a bulwark against what he considers a threat from Russia. President Donald Trump said the United States is considering a request from Poland for a permanent U.S. military presence in the fellow NATO country, acknowledging that he shares Poland's concerns about possible Russian aggression.

President Duda said at the joint press conference with Donald Trump that he is happy about U.S. military presence in Poland and about the Warsaw's NATO summit resolutions. "I'm glad to see American soldiers on Polish soil in accordance with our bilateral agreements, however, I strongly encourage Mr President to send even more troops to Poland," said Andrzej Duda.

As he added, from Polish perspective, U.S. military presence guarantees security of our part of Europe. He reminded of Poland's purchase of American Patriot missile systems.

"We want to buy more equipment. We also aim at cooperation in research and development of military technology, I'm certain that this cooperation between Poland and the USA will flourish. I hope that Mr President will decide to send further troops and equipment to Poland," said Polish President.

American Fort Trump

He referred to his words from the beginning the meeting, regarding establishing in Poland a military base he would name Fort Trump. "I deeply believe this is possible and I'm certain that such decision would be beneficial for both Poland and the USA," said Duda.

He underscored that the Polish-U.S. military cooperation, taking into account Poland's strategic location in Europe, is also crucial for American security. "U.S. Army presence in Poland is also important for the safety of American interests".

Asked about his proposal to set up a permanent U.S. Army base in Poland, Duda argued that such solution wouldn't decrease security in the region, nor would it increase Russian military presence there. According to Duda, American presence ensures safety and defensive potential, and countries of Central-Eastern Europe all agree with that. "American army presence in that region is absolutely justified, also for the safety of the USA itself," Duda underscored.

"I'm absolutely certain that there is no better method of preventing war, than a firm standpoint showing our ability to defend ourselves at any time," Duda argued.

Energetic and national security

Polish president informed about signing a joint Polish-U.S. declaration, in which both countries commit to consider options for strenghtening U.S. military role in Poland, as well as to coordinate action against energy projects undermining common security, including Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Polish President also informed that during he discussed with Trump, among other things, Poland's opening to American businessmen. "We invite American business to Poland. "We invite all kinds of enterpreneurs, those with large investment potential, as well as those smaller ones. Poland offers better and better investment potential. Poland is growing very dynamically," Duda reassured.

Polish president said that coopearation with the USA is a key issue, especially when it comes to safeguarding energetic security. He indicated that he also discussed with Donald Trump potential dangers to energetic safety of Europe and about diversifying supplies. "Undoubtedly, the construction of Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a huge, if not the biggest danger, at the moment. We have discussed this issue thoroughly with Mr President (Trump), I've described the situation exactly how it looks," said Andrzej Duda.

"This project, beyond any doubts, endangers the energetic stability of Europe, and by extension Poland's security, because the construction of the pipeline may lead to Russian domination, especially given that Russia already speaks of Nord Stream 3 and 4. The danger of Russian absolute domination in Europe, in terms of gas supplies, is imminent," said the Polish president.

Andrzej Duda underlined that Poland will use all its might to protect itself from such scenario. "That's why we've decided to build a LNG terminal, as well as to buy American liquid gas," he said.

Trump on U.S. bases and mutual relations

President Trump underlined the importance of Polish-American relations that were established nearly 100 years ago. "This year the United States and Poland are celebrating 100 years of Poland regaining its independence and nearly 100 years of US-Polish diplomatic ties. It’s a long time. I’m thrilled to say that the Alliance between our nations has never been stronger ," Donald Trump said addressing Andrzej Duda.

He also thanked Poland for fulfiling NATO commitments regarding spending 2 percent of the GDP for defense, as well as for involvement in NATO missions in Afganistan and coalition against ISIS.

U.S. president underscored the importance of energy security. "The President and I are likewise exploring opportunities to advance energy security. the United States and Poland are deeply committed to energy diversity all across Europe. No nation should be dependent on a single foreign supplier of energy," said Trump. He added that "last year, the United States was proud to send its first LNG export to Poland."

In the context of energy security, Trump also mentioned the Three Seas Initiative summit. "Central European leaders were working hard to increase energy market access and reduce energy trade barriers, which something we have to get done, with respect to the EU. The United States firmly supports these goals," Trump reassured.

He also informed that in the discussion with Duda, they also touched upon bileteral economic relations. "We look forward to further enhance trade, investment and commerce between our two great nations. (...) I look forward to partnering with President Duda, as we grow our economies together".

"Poland has chosen its place among the free and independent nations of the world and is a loyal ally and strategic partner of the United States and we greatly appreciate that. We welcome the next 100 years of friendship between our two nations," said Donald Trump.

American president also declared tightening ties with Central Europe, also within the Three Seas Initiative framework.

Trump also referred to Poland's willingness to create permanent U.S. military bases on its territory. "Poland would be paying billions of dollars for a base and we're looking into that more and more. It's one thing to defend countries that can't defend themselves and they're great people and we should help them - we don't expect anything for that. But when we're defending immensely wealthy countries and they're not paying for their defense to the United States, they're only taking advantage of us, then it's not fair. That includes the NATO," said Trump.

According to Trump, setting up permanent U.S. military bases in Poland would cost about 2 billion dollars. "The President offered us much more than 2 billion dollars to do this and so we're looking at it. We're loking at it from the standpoint, number one, military protection for both countries, and also cost. A term you don't hear to often," said the American president.

American president also pointed to aggressive activities on Russia's part. Asked if he shares President Duda's opinion on threat from Russia, he said that Russians "respect strength, as anyone does". "So, I am, I am with the president. I feel that he is right. And I feel that if you look at the history of Poland and Russia, that's a long and very complicated history. So he certainly has a right to feel that way," he added.

On the EU and China

At the press conference, asked about imposing new tariffs on Chinese products, Trump said "we are the piggy bank to the world". "We have been ripped off by China, we've been ripped of by, excuse me Mr President, the European Union, of which you're a part of. We've been ripped off by everybody," said Trump. He stated that he intends to change that, in order to protect the American workers, farmers and business.

Polish President, in response to this statement, underscored that Donald Trump expects cooperation with the European Union, but on equal and fair terms. "No wonder that he (Trump) has such approach. In turn, I would like Poland to be such a country, such economic power, that it could become a real and important partner for the United States," said President Duda.

Polish president said ironically that he would like Poland to interfere with American trade balance. "I would be really happy to see that, because my way of thinking about politics and prosperity of my country is similar to President Trump's. Mr President says "America first", and I say "Poland first", so we understand each other very well," said Andrzej Duda.

Joint declaration

Polish president informed about signing a joint Polish-U.S. declaration, in which both countries commit to consider options for strenghtening U.S. military role in Poland, as well as to coordinate action against energy projects undermining common security, including Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

The joint Polish-American declaration is entitled "Safeguarding freedom, building prosperity through Poland-US Strategic Partnership". Both countries underscored that they share a common history and "set of values".


Andrzej Duda poinformował również, że podczas spotkania z Trumpem dyskutowali na temat otwarcia się Polski na amerykańskich przedsiębiorców. - Zapraszamy biznes ze Stanów Zjednoczonych do Polski. Zapraszamy do Polski wszelkich biznesmenów i tych, którzy mają możliwości wielkich inwestycji, ale zapraszamy także tych mniejszych. W Polsce są coraz lepsze możliwości inwestycyjne. Polska rozwija się bardzo dynamicznie - zapewnił Andrzej Duda. Polski prezydent ocenił, że współpraca z USA ma kluczowe znaczenie w kwestii zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa energetycznego. Wskazał, że podczas spotkania z prezydentem Trumpem rozmawiał również o zagrożeniach dla bezpieczeństwa energetycznego w Europie i o możliwości dywersyfikacji dostaw. - Niewątpliwie takim ogromnym, w tej chwili największym zagrożeniem jest budowa gazociągu Nord Stream 2. Dużo mówiliśmy o tym z panem prezydentem (Trumpem), przedstawiałem tę sytuację taką, jaka jest - powiedział Andrzej Duda. - Jest to inwestycja, która bez wątpienia zagraża stabilności energetycznej Europy i bez wątpienia zagraża także i polskiemu bezpieczeństwu energetycznemu, bo grozi dominacją rosyjską, zwłaszcza w perspektywie, kiedy Rosja mówi o budowie kolejnych gazociągów - Nord Stream 3, Nord Stream 4. To niebezpieczeństwo - absolutnej dominacji rosyjskiej w Europie, jeżeli chodzi o dostawy gazu, jest oczywiste - powiedział prezydent RP. Andrzej Duda podkreślił, że Polska będzie wszystkimi siłami dążyła do tego, aby się przed tym zabezpieczyć. - Stąd nasza decyzja o budowie terminalu LNG, stąd nasza decyzja także o tym, aby także ten gaz skroplony od Stanów Zjednoczonych kupować - powiedział. (

Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 International, PAP, Reuters

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