The Ministry of Justice, headed by Zbigniew Ziobro, released a statement on Wednesday in which it informed about reversing its decision to remove an article from "Dziecko Krzywdzone" quarterly, written by psychologist Ewa Kusz. She offered a detailed analysis of how the Catholic Church handles the problem of paedophilia in its ranks. TVN24 reporter Jacek Tacik informed on Tuesday about earlier actions taken by the ministry with regard to the quarterly magazine, which is subsidised by the Justice Fund.
The Justice Fund, administered by the Justice Ministry, has ordered to remove an article from "Dziecko Krzywdzone" ("Child Abused") quarterly, which the fund finances. The article was written by Dr Ewa Kusz, deputy director of the Child Protection Centre in Kraków. In her piece, Kusz analysed how the Catholic Church in various countries tackles the problem of paedophilia. Among other things, she wrote that "Churches in post-communist countries, including the Church in Poland, are in early stages of when it comes to prevention".
After the decision ordering the magazine to remove the article, the ministry has met with accusations of censorship.
Leadership unaware
In Wednesday's media statement, the ministry informed that the decision to take down the article from this month's edition of the quarterly "was taken without the knowledge of the leadership of the Ministry of Justice".
"After examining the details of the issue Deputy Minister Marcin Romanowski has cancelled this decision," the ministry informed.
"Minister Romanowski shares the critical opinion about the article which, according to an agreement signed between the Fund's administrator and its beneficiary - Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę Foundation, should bear characteristics of a scientific analysis, and not journalistic text. He also believes that the beneficiary should bare responsibility for the quality of the published content" - reads the statement first published by Interia web portal.
"Christianophobic theses"
The article was rejected by the Justice Fund, subordinate to Zbigniew Ziobro, because - as the publisher was told - some theses in the text could be interpreted as motivated by prejudice, and therefore classified as Christianophobic.
"In our view, there's not a single fragment that could be interpreted this way, as having something against the Catholic religion or Christianophobic," Renata Szredzińska, a member of the board of "Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę" Foundation told TVN24. Polish Episcopate's child protection coordinator also said that "the whole article confirms that she (the author) is a person engaged opon the issue, professional and wary of the scale of the challenge".
Źródło: TVN24 News in English,
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