According to a recent poll by Kantar Millward Brown for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24, 36 percent of respondents would vote for the ruling United Right coalition, while 28 percent would support Civic Platform, the biggest opposition party. Both formations observe an increase compared to the last month’s survey.
Law and Justice (PiS) together with United Poland (Solidarna Polska) and Alliance (Porozumienie) can count on 36 percent of votes, according to the survey. This is 3 percentage point more compared to the last month’s poll.
Civic Platform (PO) also noted an increase by 3 percentage points with 28 percent of respondents declaring to cast their vote on the biggest opposition party.
Kukiz ’15 movement came third in the poll with 6-percent support which is an increase by 1 percentage point.
Three percentage points less of supporters would vote for Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) placing the party right on the minimum threshold of 5 percent.
Modern Party (Nowoczesna) would also make it to the Sejm with the minimum 5 percent of support which is a 1-point drop.
Polish People’s Party (PSL) wouldn’t reach the election threshold with 4 percent of votes.
The Liberty party would get exactly the same result as PSL.
Razem (Together Party) would secure 2 percent of votes.
One percent would support National Movement.
Full result of Kantar Millward Brown survey for "Fakty" TVN and TVN24:
Law and Justice/Alliance/United Poland - 36 percent (increase by 3 points) Civic Platform (PO) - 28 percent (increase by 3 points)
Kukiz'15 - 6 percent (increase by 1 point) Modern Party (Nowoczesna) - 5 percent (decrease by 1 point) Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) - 5 percent (decrease by 3 point) Polish People's Party (PSL) - 4 percent (decrease by 1 point) Liberty party (former KORWiN) - 4 percent (no change) "Razem" (Together Party) - 2 percent (decrease by 1 point) National Movement - 1 percent (increase by 1 point) Don't know/difficult to decide/no decision yet - 5 percentRefused to answer - 4 percent
Pełne wyniki sondażu Kantar Millward Brown SA dla "Faktów" TVN i TVN24: Prawo i Sprawiedliwość/Porozumienie/Solidarna Polska - 36 proc. (wzrost o 3 pp.) Platforma Obywatelska - 28 proc. (wzrost o 3 pp.) Kukiz'15 - 6 proc. (wzrost o 1 pp.) Nowoczesna - 5 proc. (spadek o 1 pp.) Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej - 5 proc. (spadek o 3 pp.) Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe - 4 proc. (spadek o 1 pp.) Partia Wolność (wcześniej KORWiN) - 4 proc. (bez zmian) Partia "Razem" - 2 proc. (spadek o 1 pp.) Ruch Narodowy - 1 proc. (wzrost o 1 pp.) Nie wiem/trudno powiedzieć/jeszcze nie zdecydował - 5 proc. Odmowa odpowiedzi - 4 proc. (
Autor: gf / Źródło: tvn24
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: PAP