Climate activists protest in WarsawMateusz Szmelter /
Climate activists disappointed with an agreement reached at the COP26 summit in Glasgow took to the streets of Warsaw on Friday. They were holding banners saying "Why do have to fight for our future?" and "3 decades of inaction".
The young climate activists gathered at the Polish Cavalry Monument and Pole Mokotowskie around 11:25 a.m. Approx.imately one hour later, they marched along Trasa Łazienkowska towards the seat of the Ministry of Climate and Environment at Wawelska Street. The protesters were planning to later move towards Daszyńskiego Roundabout.
According to tvnwarszawa,pl reporter, 100-150 people took part in the event. They were holding banners saying "Why do have to fight for our future?" and "3 decades of inaction".
Protestów młodych aktywistów klimatycznych po COP26
"3 decades of inaction"
"The COP26 has just ended. There was no shortage of greenwashing, but there is still a lack of necessary action. Leaders must finally realise that, as experts speculate, we are running out of time and there will not be another 30 years. That's why this Friday, November 19, a Warsaw roundup of global mobilisation Fridays For Future will be held under the banner '3 decades of inaction'. Let's go to the streets and show we won't stand for another three decades of inaction by those in charge," Młodzieżowy Strajk Klimatyczny said on Facebook.
Over 700 people reacted to the event announcement, whereas 230 declared participation on Friday. "We will go out to the streets to show the idle politicians that ignoring such a massive problem as the climate crisis is unacceptable. How many more climate summits must pass? Our planet cannot wait any longer! WE are not going to wait! Time to act," we read in the announcement.
Źródło: TVN24 News in English,
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: Mateusz Szmelter /