The interior minister has shared the Internal Security Agency's (ABW) concerns that the presence of a Swedish citizen, Anton T., who is a member of a neo-Nazi movement, was a threat to security, and has decided to immediately expel him from Poland - the spokesman for the secret services minister-coordinator Stanisław Żaryn informed on Thursday.
"On 31 October 2019, the minister of the interior affairs and administration decided to immediately expel from Poland a Swedish citizen Anton T." - Żaryn informed. The Swede has come to Poland for paramilitary training.
"The interior minister has shared the Internal Security Agency's concerns regarding the Swede's presence in Poland, arguing that he posed serious, clear and present danger to security and public order. The man is member of a neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement, which goal is to create, by means of revolution, a Northern European republic of national socialism," the spokesman informed. The Nordic Resistance Movement has branches in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark.
According to the statement, Anton T., was sentenced in the past by a Swedish court for 1.5 years in prison for complicity in attacks with the use of home-made explosive devices, among others, on an asylum seekers' centre in Goeteborg. He came to Poland for a paramilitary training, in course of which he planned to learn to operate the same type of weapon as had been used by the perpetrator of the attack on mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand - Brenton Tarrant. The latter has been accused of killing 51 people and attempted murder of 40.
"The interior minister's decision is an example of effective prevention of terrorist threats. By obligating the foreigner to immediately return to his country of origin, the state neutralised potential danger," Żaryn stated.
He also informed that since 2016, ABW led to the expulsion of 14 people, and placed 26 names in the unwanted persons list.
Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 News in English, PAP
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: TVN 24