"I've got overpowered by emotions and carried away. I would like to apologise to anyone who felt offended by the mental leap that I've used," said the Speaker of the Senate Stanisław Karczewski on Tuesday.
He was referring to the comment he used on Saturday during a meeting with the residents of Gdynia. One of the participants told Mr Karczewski that, in her view, it's a digrace that there are barriers in front of the Sejm.
The Senate Speaker replied: "dear Madam, the barriers are there to prevent freaks from entering and causing trouble".
On Tuesday at a press conference, Mr Karczewski said the meeting in Gdynia was attented by a very large group of people who were "quite succesfully" interrupting by shouting and taking away microphones.
"It's a very wrong practice that shouldn't have taken place. We should work together, we should run a peaceful dialogue. Often, I personally call for mutual respect, so that we all bear in mind that no one should be exposed to any foul language," said the Senate Speaker.
"I have used such foul language myself in a reckless mental leap," he explained. As he also said "there are people who, against all restrictions and logic, persist in attempts to enter parliament grounds."
"I've always called for this debate and dispute to be held with less emotions, and I will continue do so. I've got overpowered by emotions and carried away. I would like to apologise to anyone who felt offended by the mental leap that I've used," said the Speaker of the Senate Stanisław Karczewski on Tuesday.
He stressed that the political situation is tense and the politicians should be playing down emotions.
Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 International, PAP
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: TVN24