The founder and former leader of Modern Party announced on Friday that he’s leaving the formation. "Modern Party is like a child to me, but today it’s walking its own path", he added.
"I have made a very difficult decision for me personally - I’m leaving the Modern Party. I do this with sorrow and regret because the last three years have been very important to me. Our voters, however, expect incisiveness, explicitness and honesty from us, and those things are missing," said Mr Petru.
"Unfortunately today, the Modern Party cannot deliver the promises made to the voters. I walk away with a heavy heart as the Modern Party is like a child to me, a child that today walks its own path," said Ryszard Petru.
Earlier on this week, two other Modern Party MPs left its ranks. First one to announce her departure was Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus who claims that she has been banned from giving public statements on regarding the protesters from the Sejm.
A few hours later, Joanna Schmidt resigned her membership from the party. She argues that the Modern Party lost touch with the principles it was founded on.
Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24, PAP