Child molesting under professional secrecy. The curia in Poznań denies the prosecutor's office access to documents. This is the case of Szymon who was sexually abused by his tormentor who, although isn't a priest anymore, has never faced justice in court.
Nearly 20 years ago, in the St. Florian parish in Chodzież (Greater Poland voivodeship),Szymon Bączkowski was an altar boy and at the same a victim of his caretaker, the vicar, Father Krzysztof. The clergyman has been molesting Szymon for many years and never faced responsibility before a court.
"Even though the perpetrator isn't among them anymore, they still protect him anyway," says Szymon Bączkowski, a victim of sex abuse.
The priest's victim criticises the Church's approach to the case, because the prosecutor who launched an inquiry faces obstacles. "A need arose to examine documents from the canonical investigation led by Poznań curia. We've asked for access. In response we've been told that the documents are protected by professional secrecy," said Michał Smętowski from District Prosecutor's Office in Poznań.
The spokesperson for the Poznań curia denied giving statement for "Fakty". In a written statement he stressed that clergymen released from secrecy already testified in this case. Curia considers further notifications from prosecutor as a breach of law.
The spokesperson reassured that denying access to secret documents shouldn't be mistaken for unwillingness to cooperate with the inquiry. "This clear-cut protecting of the perpetrator. Because the whole truth is in the files kept by the bishop," said Marek Lisiński from "Don't be afraid" foundation. The Church conducted its own investigation into the case of Father Krzysztof. However, it has done it only after Szymon's confessor told him to report the sex abuse, as a penance.
"Bishops expressed sorrow"
"He told me to touch him. I remember, I was crying at the time but it didn't bother him at all," said Szymon Bączkowski.
By the order of the Vatican, the cleric was stripped of his priesthood. The Poznań curia does not help the secular investigation, even though it was Archbishop Gądecki himself who stressed that sex abuse is a crime.
"The bishops have expressed their sorrow caused by the suffering of the people hurt by some clergymen and have apologised to all affected by this sin and crime," said the Archbishop Gądecki.
Father Isakowicz-Zaleski points out that the whole situation is taking place in Poznań, where the case of sex abuse of seminarists by Archbishop Paetz, Archbishop Gądecki's predecessor, still haven't been explained. According to the clergyman, all the more the curia should act unambiguously.
"Any sort of talking, that we know but won't tell, or even creating such appearance, work for the Church's disadvantage. Because the Church should be transparent," said Father Tadeusz Isakowicz-Zaleski.
In June, court will decide whether the priests from Poznań can be released from confidentiality duty.
Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 News in English, Jan Błaszkowski Fakty TVN
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