I'd like to believe that the Supreme Court's decision regarding suspending three provisions from the Supreme Court law is a result of sheer ignorance of the law and not arrogance of the judicial circles - the spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice Jan Kanthak wrote in a statement on Thursday.
"Such actions taken by the Supreme Court are in fact harmful to the Poles. Especially to those who wait in hope for the reform and recovery of the judiciary. It's harmful to the people who expect fair courts and fair sentences passed by truly independent and fair jugdes," wrote the spokesperson for the Justice Ministry, Jan Kanthak.
Poland's Supreme Court said on Thursday that its judges who want to should stay in place until the European Court of Justice (ECJ) decides whether measures that will effectively allow the government to choose the court's staff breach EU law.
Court spokesman Justice Michal Laskowski said President Andrzej Duda and the National Judiciary Council (KRS), which decides judicial appointments, should hold off from making any decisions about the court's members pending the ECJ's verdict.
"The decision is being sent to the (presidential) Chancellery and the KRS and they both should stop actions ... until the ruling is made," he told a news conference.
Deputy Chief of President's Chancellery, Paweł Mucha said that "the Supreme Court's decision is not only a real legal oddity, but also a failed attempt to circumvent the Supreme Court law.
"The situation is very surprising as the steps taken by the Supreme Court have absolutely no legal basis and can have no legal effects whatsoever," added Mr Mucha.
"In the Polish law, there is no such thing as suspesnsion of applying law provisions by the Supreme Court," said President's aide Paweł Mucha.
Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 International, PAP, Reuters
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