Pułtusk police officers save a woman from fast-flowing river

Sierż. Izabela Wierzbicka i asp. Przemysław Jakubiak uratowali zycie kobiecie
Ratownik wodny o tym, jak skutecznie nieść pomoc tonącym
Źródło: TVN24

Police officers from Pułtusk saved a woman who fell from a pier into a river and was swept away by the current. The 61-year-old, who could not swim, couldn't hold back tears of emotion. The woman's husband sent the officers a letter of gratitude for saving her life.

On May 30th, two police officers in Pułtusk - Izabela Wierzbicka and Przemysław Jakubiak - were patrolling the area in a motorboat. They noticed a woman walking on the harbor pier suddenly fall into the river. They rushed towards her.

Every second counted in this dramatic rescue operation. The woman was being carried by the current. At one point, the officers could only see her hand above the water surface.

"With difficulty, they pulled her out of the water and placed her in a safe location. They provided psychological and thermal comfort. When the emotions subsided, she told the officers that when she fell into the water, she couldn't swim and lost her spatial orientation, but thanks to their reaction, she survived," said Milena Kopczyńska of Pułtusk District Police.

Officers Izabela Wierzbicka and Przemysław Jakubiak in their motorboat
Officers Izabela Wierzbicka and Przemysław Jakubiak in their motorboat
Źródło: KPP Pułtusk

"She couldn't hold back tears of emotion."

The next day, the woman called the police officers and said she was feeling fine. "She expressed gratitude for their professionalism, immediate response, assistance, and empathy," Kopczyńska added.

The woman's husband sent the officers a letter of gratitude for saving her life. "He didn't spare words of gratitude and sympathy for the police officers who intervened and saved his wife's life," Kopczyńska said.

The woman's husband praised the officers for saving his wife
The woman's husband praised the officers for saving his wife
Źródło: KPP Pułtusk
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