This year's long May weekend ended in tragedy for many drivers. The traffic police recorded 302 accidents and 24 deaths. This is more than over the same period last year, said Robert Opas of the Traffic Department of the National Police Headquarters.
"During five days of the Safe May Weekend police operation, officers tended to 302 road accidents, in which 24 people died and 332 were injured," Robert Opas said.
The highest number of accidents and deaths were reported on Friday - 71 and 6 respectively.
"Police officers also detained a lot of people driving under influence - 1,637, most of them on Sunday - 404 persons," Opas added.
The traffic police also stopped 596 drivers who had exceeded the speed limit in built-up areas by 50 km/h.
According to Robert Opas, the number of long May weekend accidents was higher than in the corresponding period in 2021. "Last year in the same period, we recorded 213 road accidents, in which 22 people died," he said.
An average of 4,500 police officers were patrolling the roads during the five days of the Safe May Weekend operation.
Opas called upon drivers for extra caution as many of them would be returning home also on Wednesday. "The traffic is still quite high. Only your behaviour behind the wheel, adapting speed to road conditions, keeping higher distance from the preceeding cars, and driving in line with the regulations, can ensure safe return home," Robert Opas stressed.
Autorka/Autor: gf
Źródło: TVN24 News in English,
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: KSP