A 16-month-old baby girl was travelling in a car with her parents. Suddenly, the baby choked on a piece of apple. Terrified couple stopped the car on the hard shoulder. A soldier was the first one to rush to rescue the baby who couldn't take a breath. Soon after he was joined by a police patrol that was driving nearby.
The incident happened on the weekend, close to Śródka roundabout in Poznań. Around 7 p.m. a police patrol spotted a car on the hard shoulder and people with holding a little baby standing right next to it.
"A man stood with them. It turned out he was a soldier who drove behind the couple with the child. He saw the whole situation and immediately rushed to the rescue. The officers saw the terrified couple and ran towards them. When they asked what happened they were told the baby chocked on a piece on apple and couldn't catch a breath" - the police said in a statement.
The officers joined in administering the first aid which can be seen on CCTV. One of them continued the efforts started by the soldier. First he laid the girl face down on his forearm, bent her head, and administered a few blows between her shoulder blades, in order to clear her respiratory tract.
"Another officer called paramedics, while the others tried to calm down the terrified parents. After a short while the officers and the parents heard loud crying. The baby began to breath normally. The parents' joy was indescribable" - the police said.
Autorka/Autor: gf
Źródło: TVN24 News in English, TVN24, PAP
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: KWP Poznań