This was meant to be a cleanup effort. A farmer from the Lubusz province only wanted to remove rocks from his field. Suddenly, mysterious objects started to appear from underground. History experts have no doubt that his findings are "extremely rare".
The fascinating findings were discovered in Sulęcin county on July 27, but the Lubusz Historic Preservation Office has announced it only recently.
"During fieldwork, a farmer found archeological relics. While removing rocks from the field, as they usually cause damage to farming machines, he discovered bronze items. He immediately suspended his work, while the site was secured," Norbert Burzyński from Voivodeship Historic Preservation Office in Gorzów Wielkopolski informed in social media.
"Extremely rare" deposit
A historic preservation team searched the field already on that same day.
The artifacts were beneath the topsoil. The found deposit consists of three scepters, three bronze daggers, a small axe, a chisel and a hatchet - all assessed as having originated from the Unetice culture (2300 - 1600 BC). "Occurrence of more than one scepter and dagger is extremely rare and thus makes the finding very precious for the national heritage," Burzyński underscored in a Facebook post. In an interview for the Polish Press Agency (PAP), he praised the finder: "He immediately notified proper authorities and suspended further work in order to avoid damaging archeological findings and cultural layer".
Bracelet found on a slope
This was not the first important archeological finding in the northern part of the Lubusz province. In January, a resident of the Bogdaniec municipality and his son found a bronze bracelet on a slope of a landslide. After noticing more such objects, the finders immediately notified the preservation office.
Wówczas podczas przeprowadzonych prac archeologicznych znaleziono depozyt ozdób brązowych i elementy uprzęży końskiej, złożone na potłuczonym naczyniu - to artefakty kultury łużyckiej (1300 – 400 lat p.n.e.). Łącznie na ten skarb składa się 220 przedmiotów brązowych, w tym z 6 bransolet, 5 naszyjników, czteroczęściowego napierśnika, zapinki płytowej oraz tarczek, kółek, ozdób i przedmiotów brązowych mogących być elementami uprzęży końskiej. Znalezisko posiada duże znaczenie z uwagi na różnorodność i ilość zabytków.
The archeological exploration that followed found a deposit of bronze ornaments and elements of a harness placed on a broken vessel - the artifacts originated from the Lusatian culture (1300 - 400 BC). In total, this treasure consisted of 220 bronze items, including 6 bracelets, 5 necklaces, a four-part breastplate, a plate clasp, as well as small shields, rings, ornaments, and bronze items which may have been elements of a horse harness. This was a very important finding due to the variety and quantity of the items.
Źródło: TVN24 News in English, PAP, TVN24 Poznań
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: Lubuski Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków