Neither the CBA nor any other service reporting to me had the opposition under surveillance - Poland's Interior Minister Mariusz Kamiński reassures. He announced the CBA (The Central Anti-Corruption Bureau) would notify the prosecutor's office over the recent comments made by the bureau's former chief Paweł Wojtunik.
"Enough lies. Neither the CBA nor any other service reporting to me had the opposition under surveillance," Kamiński said on X on Monday.
He also informed that the CBA would notify the prosecutor's office over the recent comments made by the bureau's former chief Paweł Wojtunik, accusing him of slander.
Wojtunik responds to Kamiński
Wojtunik responded to Kamiński in a post in X. He reminded that Kamiński had been sentenced by a court of the first instance (but was later pardoned by president Andrzej Duda - edit.) and added that the current interior minister "is trying to intimidate him".
"I'm immune to threats," Wojtunik stressed.
The former CBA chief also noted that the minister's post "doesn't provide answers to questions rankling the public opinion and which still remain unanswered...".
CBA chief issues statement
The Head of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau Andrzej Stróżny issued a statement on Monday, in which he strenuously denied "the lies spread by Paweł Wojtunik regarding the alleged order to employ operational surveillance against members of the opposition".
Stróżny confirmed the CBA would report the prosecutor's office regarding Wojtunik's "crime of slander through the use of mass media".
"Also untrue are all claims regarding internal operations withing the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, which were to be aimed at violating the law, including destroying official documentation," he added.
Wojtunik's four questions
In TVN24's "Fakty po Faktach" on Saturday (Oct. 21), Wojtunik spoke about the condition of Polish special services. He also presented four questions regarding the CBA addressed to minister Kamiński.
In the first one, Wojtunik asks if it is true that two days before the Oct. 15 parliamentary election a decision was made to place members of the opposition parties under operational surveillance, with a special focus on one grouping of the election coalition. He explained that the grouping he had in mind was Third Way.
The second question is whether the special services coordinator (Kamiński) or his deputy took part in a meeting at which the surveillance decision was to be made. Moreover, Wojtunik, asks if the suggestion to order said surveillance came from the top and if the coordinators knew about it, accepted it, and agreed to carry it out.
In the third question, Wojtunik asks: "if similar recommendations and ideas for exercising mass operational control - based on five-day wiretapping which do not require a court order, but only an approval from the prosecutor general - were communicated and such wiretaps applied by the ABW (Internal Security Agency), SKW (Military Counterintelligence Service), the police, or other services holding operational authorization?".
"And finally, the last question: did information from these operational controls - if it's true they were actually ordered - was being passed on to other politicians and was it used in the conducted political negotiations and actions?" - Wojtunik told TVN24.
Źródło: TVN24 News in English,