The elections to the European Parliament held on May 26, 2019, have been declared valid - the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court ruled on Friday. The court did not find any irregularities that would affect the final results of the election.
The resolution regarding validity of the European election has been adopted by a team of three Supreme Court justices - the chief of the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber Joanna Lemańska, judge Marek Dobrowolski and judge Paweł Księżak.
The participants of the proceedings - the Deputy Public Prosecutor General Robert Hernand and the Deputy Chairman of the National Electoral Committee (PKW) Sylwester Marciniak - have motioned for the elections to be declared valid. Marciniak pointed out that "the PKW did not find any irregularities that would affect the final results of the election".
The Supreme Court received 59 objections against the validity of this year's election to the European Parliament. The top court 8 found objections as justified, but having no impact on the final result of the vote. Five objections were dismissed as groundless and 43 were left unprocessed.
Until now, the Supreme Court was deciding on the validity of elections in the presence of all members of the Labour Law and Social Security Chamber. The new law on the Supreme Court has shifted this responsibity to the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber.
Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 News in English, PAP
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