Poland's Central Statistical Office said on Thursday that paid employment in Poland's enterprise sector in April was higher by 0,9 percent compared to April 2020. Also in the same month, average gross wages in this sector were higher by 9,9 percent in a year-on-year take.
In April 2021, the average wages and salaries were higher by 9,9 percent year on year and amounted to 5805,72 zlotys gross - the Central Statistical Office (GUS) said in a statement on Thursday, May 20.
However, GUS notes a 2,1 percent decrease in average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in April 2021 compared to the previous month.
"It was caused among others by paying in the previous month quarterly, holiday, discretionary and incentive bonuses, annual awards, overtime wages (which beside the base remuneration are also included as components of wages and salaries), as well as fewer number of working days in April this year compared to the previous month" - we read at GUS official website.
When it comes to the average paid employment in enterprise sector in April 2021, it was higher by 0.9% year-on-year and amounted to 6316,9 thousand zlotys.
In April 2021 average paid employment in enterprise sector decreased by 0,2 percent compared to March.
"It was the result of, i.a. reduction of the part of the full-time employment, end of fixed-term contracts and not extending them (sometimes because of the epidemic situation) and also termination of employment contracts" - the statistical office explained.
Furthermore, it "was also affected by receiving by employees care or sickly leave benefits – which, depending on the overall length of their duration, could also have an impact on the way of including these persons in average paid employment and at the same time in wages and salaries".
Enterprise sector concerns units employing more than 9 persons.
Źródło: TVN24 News in English, stat.gov.pl
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: konkret24