The average monthly gross wage and salary in the national economy in Poland in 2022 was 6,346.15 zlotys, Poland's Central Statistical Office (Statistics Poland) said on Monday (June 19). According to preliminary data, it increased nominally by 11.7% compared to 2021. The stats office also said the average employment in this sector in 2022 had increased by 1.4% compared to the previous year.
"According to preliminary data, in 2022, the average paid employment in the national economy was 11.0 million fulltime equivalent employees. There were 1.4% more of them compared with the previous year" - Statistics Poland said.
"In 2022, the most full-time equivalent employees were concentrated in the Manufacturing section – 23.2% of total average paid employment," the agency said.
"Compared with 2021, the average paid employment decreased in five sections, with the highest decrease recorded in the Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply section and Agriculture, forestry and fishing section (1.2% each)," we read.
"Compared with 2021, the average paid employment increased the most in the Information and communication section (by 10.2%) and Accommodation and catering section (by 7.1%)."
Average wage and salary in national economy
"According to preliminary data, the average monthly gross wage and salary in the national economy in Poland in 2022 was PLN 6,346.15. Compared with 2021 it increased nominally by 11.7%. This is a larger increase than that recorded in 2021 compared with 2020 – the average monthly gross wage and salary then increased by 8.7%" - stats office said.
"The average monthly gross wage and salary by PKD/NACE section remained differentiated. In 2022, it ranged from PLN 4,127.68 in the Accommodation and catering section to PLN 11,101.46 in the Mining and quarrying section. These values were respectively 35.0% lower and 74.9% higher than the average monthly gross wage and salary in Poland," it added.
Statistics Poland also said that "in all PKD/NACE sections, increases in the average monthly nominal gross wage and salary compared with 2021 were recorded". "The increases ranged from 5.9% in the Education section to 22.6% in the Mining and quarrying section. Minimum gross wage and salary In 2022, the minimum gross wage and salary increased by PLN 210.00 compared with 2021 and amounted to PLN 3,010.00."
"It accounted for 47.9% of the average monthly gross wage and salary without annual awards. According to preliminary data, in December 2022, wages and salaries that were equal to or lower than the minimum gross wage and salary were paid to 402.6 thousand employees."
According to the latest Statistics Poland data, average monthly gross wage and salary in the enterprise sector in April 2023 was 7,430.65 zlotys, which was a 12.1% increase year on year. Paid employment in this sector increased by 0.4% compared to the previous year.
Źródło: TVN24 News in English, Statistics Poland
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: Shutterstock