Foreign ministers marked 30 years of the Weimar Triangle

German and French foreign ministers - Zbigniew Rau, Heiko Maas and Jean-Yves Le Drian met on Friday in Weimar to mark the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Weimar Triangle. Rau said that it was a time of maturity and huge perspectives for further cooperation. Le Drian added that this format was a "chance for sincere discussion and seeking accord".

Friday's meeting of the foreign ministers of the Weimar Triangle countries was called by Germany's Heiko Maas and was part of celebrations marking the 30th anniversary of this trilateral format.

"30 years ago our predecessors created this forum for cooperation during an important moment of Poland's systemic and economic transformation," Rau said at a press conference ending the one-day meeting. "Without cooperation with France and Germany, our path to EU membership and NATO would have been longer and more difficult, for which I thank our partners in Paris and Berlin," he added.

"The Weimar Triangle was established in the spirit of cooperation and joint responsibility for the development of the new Europe, it was important 30 years ago and remains important today," Heiko Maas said. "Cooperation between Poland, Germany and France under the Weimar Triangle is based on trust, it is close and unique, as it brings together different perspectives," Rau added.

Le Drian said the Weimar Triangle remained a very important forum for dialogue between the three countries. "Cooperation within this format is a chance for sincere discussion and seeking accord".

"Our countries can become a source of initiatives for stronger, more sovereign Europe, ready to overcome challenges," chief of French diplomacy added.

Afghanistan, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia among topics

The ministers discusses the latest developments in international politics, especially the situation in Afghanistan, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. "We will not leave our Polish friends on their own in facing this everyday danger and challenge resulting from unacceptable instrumentalisation of innocent refugees along EU's external border," Maas said referring to the situation at Poland's border with Belarus.

"Current situation at European Union's external border with Belarus is a result of instrumental treatment of migrants to exert political pressure on the EU, as well as its member states," Rau stated. He added that Poland saw Belarus' actions as "hybrid operations backed by disinformation" aimed at destabilisation. Polish minister also said he had shared with his counterparts details regarding the situation at the Polish-Belarussian border. He stressed the importance of European solidarity over the issue.

30 years of the Weimar Triangle

The Weimar Triangle was established in August of 1991 in Weimar, by the then foreign ministers of Poland, France and Germany - Krzysztof Skubiszewski, Roland Dumas and Hans-Dietrich Genscher respectively.

Ending his speech at the conference, Rau invited his German and French counterparts to Poland for another meeting of the format.

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