Precisely 2,316. This is the official population of bisons living in Poland as of the end of 2020. The data shows there's more free-living specimens, and less live in farms. Interesting fact is the leader of the "classification", the Białowieża Forest, has only 8 bisons more than, second on the list, mountain region of Bieszczady.
The Białowieża National Park has published the results of a yearly bison count. As of December 31, 2020, a total of 2,316 bisons live in Poland, including 2,115 free-living specimen and 201 living in farms.
There are 47 specimen more than in 2019, when the total stood at 2,269. At the time, there were 2,048 free-living, and 221 farm-bred bisons.
"Each year we have more and more free-roaming bisons, and a lower number of farmed animals. There are also more places where bisons can enjoy their freedom. Two new locations with free-roaming herds will be added in 2021: in the Janów Forests Landscape Park and the Romincka Forest" - we read at the Białowieża National Park Facebook page.
The biggest populations of bisons in Poland were recorded in: Białowieża Forest (715), Bieszczady (707), western Poland (334), Knyszyn Forest (214), Borecka Forest (128), and in Augustów Primeval Forest (17).
Źródło: TVN24 News in English,
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