Six migrants from Iraq, a married couple, three children, and one relative, have travelled to Tomaszów Mazowiecki, central Poland, in a sealed truck carrying wood from Belarus to a local company. Employees notified the police, and the family has been taken over by the Border Guard.
Six people travelled in the truck's body, between packages with wood: three children aged 9-17, and three adults aged 25-42. Tomaszów Mazowiecki police spokesman Grzegorz Stasiak told that it was a family of migrants from Iraq - parents with three children and a relative.
"They travelled in the body of a truck which began its route in Belarus. The vehicle then crossed the border with Lithuania, and from there it travelled to Tomaszów. It appears that the seal wasn't broken along the way. Therefore, we suspect the foreigners boarded the vehicle in Belarus," the spokesman added.
The officer also said the migrants had basic food rations and a pair of clothes to change into. "They certainly weren't prepared for a longer trip in such conditions," he said.
The migrants have been checked for COVID and some of them tested positive. They were handed over to the Border Guard, whose spokesperson Anna Michalska said they would be able to file for international protection.
In the meantime, the family will be placed either in one of the locked centres for foreigners, or in an open facility, or under the care of "Dialog" Foundation.
Michalska assured that regardless of where they end up, all foreigners would receive a complex medical assistance, including psychological and dental care.
If the family decides not ot file for international protection, they will be ordered to return to their country of origin and, as a result, to leave Poland.
Źródło: TVN24 News in English, TVN24 Łódź
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: Policja w Tomaszowie Mazowieckim