"In my opinion, the European Network of Judiciary Councils (ENCJ) is a prestigious ogranisation and I believe that we will remain its members," the spokesperson for the National Council of the Judiciary (KRS), Maciej Mitera said on Monday.
The European Network of Judiciary Councils (ENCJ) is to decide about the Polish Judiciary Council's membership in the network on the 17th of September.
Judge Mitera wa asked by jounalists on Monday, whether or not he agrees with one of the KRS members, judge Dagmara Pawełczyk-Woicka who said in an interview that she didn't consider membership in the ENCJ prestigious and that the fees paid to the organisation were too high.
"The organisation is operating in Europe. Is it prestigious? In my opinion, it is and I believe that we will remain its members," said Mitera. When it comes to the fees, he added, opinions may vary. "Some may consider the fees too high, some may not," he argued.
"Beyond imagination"
"I can't imagine that any Member-State would disobey the rulings," said the KRS spokesperson when asked about the question of respecting ruling by the European Court of Justice.
Deputy prime minister Jarosław Gowin said in Monday's edition of "Do Rzeczy" weekly that "if the ECJ acts in a unprecedented way and legitimises law suspension by the Supreme Court then the Polish government may have no other choice than to establish another precedent of dismissing the ECJ's ruling as standing in contrast with the Lisbon Treaty, as well as with the general spirit of European integration."
In regard to Gowin's comment, the KRS spokesperson was asked by journalists on Monday, whether or not it is possible for a Member-State not to respect the ECJ's rulings. "I can't imagine that any Member-State would disobey the rulings," Mr Mitera replied. Asked about the meaning of Mr Gowin's words, he added: "You must ask Mr Gowin himself".
"So you do find such scenario beyond imagination?" - the journalists persisted. "As a judge, yes I do," replied Mr Mitera.
Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 International, PAP
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: tvn24