Former Poland's deputy PM and finance minister Jacek Rostowski failed to win an MEP ticket in the European election in Britain. He finished second on the London list of the newly-created, pro-European formation Change UK.
Only 5,3 percent of voters in London picked candidates from his party, but it wasn't enough to secure any seats in Brussels. On a nationwide scale, Change UK won only 3,6 percent of votes.
Residents of London will be represented in the European Parliament by 3 MEPs from pro-European Liberal Democrats, who unexpectely won the vote, as well 2 MEPs from Labour Party and eurosceptic Brexit Party each and 1 from Green Party.
The ruling Conservative Party didn't win any tickets in London and lost two MEPs it had by far, including the chairman of the European Conservatists and Reformists (ECR) Syed Kamall.
Brexit Party wins, conservatists' worse result in 200 years
The Brexit Party, formed only a few months ago, is the unquestionable winner of the vote with 32 percent of secured votes. According to data after counting votes from 10 out of 12 constituencies, the brexiteers should send 28 MEPs to Brussels.
Liberal democrats came off second with 20 percent of votes, Labour Party (14 percent), Green Party (12 percent). Conservative Party received 9 percent of votes which translates into 3 seats in Brussels. According to BBC, this was the worst result for conservatists in nationwide vote since 1832.
Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 News in English