Former head of Internal Security Agency Krzysztof Bondaryk heard charges

Former head of Internal Security Agency charged with abuse of power and neligence
Former ABW chief Bondaryk has heard charges
Źródło: TVN24 International

The Regional Prosecutor in Białystok has charged the former head of the Internal Security Agency (ABW) Krzysztof Bondaryk in the case regarding hiring as his assistant a person believed to be vulnerable to blackmail or other pressure, the National Public Prosecutor's Office announced on Wednesday.

Mr Bondaryk has been charged with abuse of power and negligence. The prosecutor claims that he acted in order to achieve financial gains by the hired person.

"This is sheer nonsense, it's all made up and untrue," said Mr Bondaryk after leaving the prosecutor's office.

"I believe I'm able to prove my innocence before an independent court, as long as such court still exists and I can get there on my own feet," added the former chief of ABW.

The National Public Prosecutor's Office informed that the case pertains one of the civil employees of ABW who submitted a counterfeit university diploma. On 21 December 2007, by the order of Mr Bondaryk, he was admitted to service in the Agency, made officer in permanent service and appointed advisor to ABW chief.

According to the prosecutor, "Krzysztof B. acted to the detriment of public interest by exposing to harm the image, authority and proper functioning of ABW as an institution protecting internal security of the state, as well as its constitutional order."

The prosecutor also charged General Bondaryk with negligence of not notifying the prosecutor or the police about false documents submitted by the person in job application.

If found guilty, Mr Bondaryk may face up to 10 years in prison.

Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 International, PAP

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