Victims of priest Arkadiusz H. have waited long years for justice to be done. On Monday, a week after the trial had started, a verdict was passed. The priest, accused of sexual abuse of a 15-year-old, has been sentenced for 3 years in prison and a 10-year ban on working with children and youth. The verdict is not yet legally binding.
Prosecutor Jakub Łuczak demanded 6 years in prison for the priest, 8-year ban on seeing the victim, as well a maximum possible ban on working with children.
The plaintiff told Polish Press Agency (PAP) he expected a fair sentence and would accept any outcome.
The defendant's attorney Michał Królikowski called for a 5-year probationary sentence.
According to Polish law, the priest was facing up to 12 years in prison.
The court sentenced him for 3 years of prison time.
The story of sexual abuse of three brothers Bartłomiej, Jakub and Andrzej the town of Pleszew, perpetrated by Father Arkadiusz H., was part of a documentary by filmmaker brothers Marek and Tomasz Sekielski titled "Playing Hide and Seek".
After the documentary by the Sekielski brothers has been aired, Arkadiusz H. has been temporarily stripped of priesthood.
The now 52-year-old clergyman is said to have abused further six boys, whose cases had been discontinued due the statute of limitations.
Father Arkadiusz H. pleaded guilty to the charge. "I'd like to truly apologise to Mr Bartłomiej P., from the depths of my humble heart" - he said.
The plaintiff told PAP that no words of remorse meant anything to him. In his opinion, the apology might have been motivated by a false sense of contrition or in order to secure a more lenient sentence.
He also admitted that two years ago he had felt repulsion and anger towards the priest. "Now, after a difficult therapy I've been undergoing, I feel compassion. Today, I see a man who has lost his life".
The verdict is not yet legally binding.
Autorka/Autor: gf
Źródło: TVN24 News in English, PAP