Another hearing of Poland in the rule of law case has been scheduled for 11 December in Brussels, Polish Press Agency (PAP) learned from EU sources. Polish diplomats welcome this decision with open arms as the European Commission will have to address the recently amended law on the Supreme Court.
"Majority of EU member-states, just as the European Commission, wanted the hearing to be organised and so it was scheduled for 11 December," an EU diplomat said.
Polish diplomats with whom PAP have spoken claim that another hearing is a situation beneficial for Poland.
"This time, this decision is beneficial for us. The European Commission will formally address the recent changes to the law on the Supreme Court and, thereby, to the issue of the complaint brought to the Court of Justiceof the European Union," one of Polish diplomats told PAP.
"We don't want to joust over this decision. We find it beneficial, as the Commission will have to address the amendment," another diplomat shared the opinion. As he added, presidency included meeting between EU Affairs ministers in the agenda.
Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 International, PAP
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: tvn24