Polish fans booed English players for kneeling against racism

Poland and England shared points in a 1:1 draw in Warsaw
Poland and England shared points in a 1:1 draw in Warsaw
Źródło: eurosport

As tradition dictates, English players took a knee before the kick-off in game against Poland in Warsaw. Polish fans at the National Stadium "greeted" them with shrilling boos.

The English team kneel before kick-off to protest against racism and discrimination. They did that during Euro 2020, as well as ahead of a 2022 World Cup qualifying game against Poland in Warsaw on Wednesday.

Respect from Polish players, boos from Polish fans

Polish players replied the same way they had done in March at Wembley - by pointing at the "Respect" emblem attached to their jerseys. Shrilling sound of boos and whistles could could be heard from the stands.

Raheem Sterling kneels before kick-off
Raheem Sterling kneels before kick-off
Źródło: eurosport.pl

Most likely that did not bother the English, as they got used to boos even at home. Some fans argue that the players aren't really about fight against racism, but about politics.

The tradition of kneeling in sports has been started by Colin Rand Kaepernick, an American civil rights activist and former football quarterback. Five years ago, when the U.S. national anthem was being played, he used to express his protest this way against police brutality against black people.

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