It was born on April 8 and has been clinging to its mother ever since. "lt's almost treading on her hooves," Wrocław Zoo said presenting its newborn resident - a female golden takin. The zoological garden is one of the 13 zoos worldwide which breed these animals. This is yet another little takin born in the capital of Lower Silesia.
"Better sit back, as this female golden takin will blow you away!" - Wrocław Zoo said on social media, attaching three photos of the little one born on April 8. Its proud parents are Zhaoze and Xiang. "The little one is healthy and safe under the watchful eye of its mom, almost 'treading on her hooves'" - the zoo said on Facebook.
Wrocław Zoo is one of the 13 zoos worldwide which breed these animals. "In nature, the golden takin can be found only in one Chinese province - Shaanxi. They live in and around the mountains at an altitude of 4,500 metres above sea level," the zoo informs.
They are most closely related to goats and sheep, but takins are much larger. The body length of a mature takin can exceed 2 metres, whereas the weight can reach 350 kilograms. "They also have an unsual body structure resembling a mix of goat, antelope and bear," the zoo added.
The golden takin is listed among species vulnerable to extinction, and - just like the giant panda - is considered China's national treasure.
Źródło: TVN24 News in English, Zoo Wrocław,
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: ZOO Wrocław