The Ministry of Health on Tuesday confirmed 2,236 new coronavirus infections, as well as the death of 58 COVID-infected patients. Since the start of the pandemic, Poland has recorded more than 104,000 infection cases. Furthermore, another 40 ventilators have been put to use within the last 24 hours, over 550 hospital beds have been taken, and 24,000 coronavirus tests have been done.
Poland reported a record 58 daily coronavirus-related deaths on Tuesday, the Health Ministry said on Twitter, with data showing sharp increases in the number of ventilators and hospital beds devoted to COVID-19 patients.
The country reported 2,236 new coronavirus cases on Tuesday, close to Saturday's record of 2,367. With a population of 38 million, Poland has reported 104,316 cases overall and 2,717 deaths.
The ministry said that as of Tuesday there were 263 ventilators and 3,719 hospital beds devoted to COVID-19 patients, compared with 141 and 2,399 respectively a week ago.
The health ministry plans to increase the number of hospital beds for COVID patients and is expected to announce changes to the regulations over wearing face masks.
Poland introduced strict lockdown measures quickly during the early stages of the pandemic, but the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party has said it wants to avoid another economically damaging lockdown and has introduced targeted measures in the worst affected places.
Poland was at first successful in containing the outbreak, but it lifted most restrictions in May and cases began rising in the summer as people travelled for vacations and attended large events like weddings.
Schools and kindergartens reopened on September 1.
While the county's industrial south had previously been the worst affected region, with large outbreaks among coal miners, central and northern Poland have also seen spiralling infection rates in recent weeks.
The biggest spike in new cases on Tuesday was reported in central Poland, increasing the risk for Warsaw to face stricter restrictions.
Źródło: TVN24 News in English, PAP, Reuters
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: Shutterstock