CJEU to issue preliminary rulings for Polish Supreme Court in an expedited procedure

European Court of Justice was asked for preliminary ruling on Polish Supreme Court law
European Court of Justice was asked for preliminary ruling on Polish Supreme Court law
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As TVN24 International has learned, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has made a decision regarding the first request for a preliminary ruling by the Polish Supreme Court. The CJEU will examine the request in an expedited procedure. The Supreme Court has sent five questions regarding independence of courts and judges, as well as about EU law against age discrimination.

In early August, the Supreme Court sent five questions to the CJEU and asked for a preliminary ruling and, at the same time, suspended execution of three provisions from the Supreme Court law regarding rules of retirement of judges. The Supreme Court asked the CJEU for an interpretation of the EU law in the context of the Polish Supreme Court law. The CJEU started examining this request at the end of August.

Along with the request for a preliminary ruling sent to the CJEU, the Supreme Court suspended execution of three provisions: number 111, 37 and 39 of the Supreme Court law.

As the spokesperson fo the Supreme Court, Michał Laskowski said at the time, suspending of the provisions should urge the National Council for the Judiciary (KRS), as well as president Duda to refrain from taking any actions regarding judges who turned 65.

The questions asked by the Supreme Court concern issues of: irremovability of judges; conditioning a possibility to further work for the court of judges ages 65 on a decison of the executive, in this case the president; interpretation of the EU law banning age discrimination; clarification of the way in which the Supreme Court should implement this law; Supreme Court's duty as a EU court in regard to applying preventive measures.

Na początku sierpnia Sąd Najwyższy wystosował pięć pytań prejudycjalnych do TSUE i zawiesił stosowanie trzech artykułów ustawy o SN określających zasady przechodzenia sędziów tego sądu w stan spoczynku. TSUE rozpoczął rozpatrywanie tego wniosku pod koniec sierpnia. (http://www.tvn24.pl)

Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 International

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