Former PM Beata Szydło caused a road accident in Kraków

Beata Szydło caused a road accident in the centre of Kraków. She was given a ticket
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Źródło: TVN24 News in English

On Sunday evening (August 18), in Kraków, a car accident took place involving a car driven by former prime minister Beata Szydło. The other driver said that he had smashed into a car which entered the left lane directly from a road without right of way. The Lesser Poland Police have confirmed to TVN24 that the former PM was involved in the accident. Szydło accepted a ticket.


The accident took place in the late evening on Sunday in the centre of Kraków, nearby the intersection of Krasinskiego avenue and Zwierzyniecka street.

Two cars were involved - a passenger car and a van.

The driver of the van told TVN24 reporters that he was coming from the direction of the bridge when he saw a car coming in from the right on the "conditional green light". However, instead of keeping on the right lane, the car turned directly onto the left lane.

"I had no chance to stop. I hit the car on the driver's side with the right side of the front of my car, and the force of the impact bounced me at a lamp post," the van driver said. His car got damaged in the crash. "It was a miracle that I ended up only with a cut on my knee," the man said.

The police, fire service and an ambulance arrived at the scene.

Szydło behind the wheel

The car which appeared from the road without right of way had license plates registered in Oświęcim. It also had an MEP sign on it.

Former prime minister Beata Szydło comes from Oświęcim and she won a seat in the European Parliament in May's election.

On Monday morning, the Lesser Poland Police confirmed in a conversation with TVN24 reporter that Beata Szydło was driving the car which made the turn from the road without right of way.

The police also informed that Szydło has been given a 450-zloty ticket and 6 penalty points. The former PM has accepted the fine.

Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 News in English, PAP

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