Bertold Kittel, Anna Sobolewska and Piotr Wacowski - the authors of "Superwizjer" TVN reportage entitled "Polish Neo-Nazis" have won the 14th edition of Radio Zet's Andrzej Woyciechowski Award. The jury's verdict was announced on Wednesday during a gala in Warsaw's Zachęta Gallery.
The "Superwizjer" reportage entitled "Polish Neo-Nazis" was aired on the 20th of May 2017 in TVN24. The award-winning piece showed Polish extremists celebrating the 128th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's birthday in a forest near Wodzisław Śląski, southern Poland. The material was made by "Superwizjer" TVN journalists: Bertold Kittel, Anna Sobolewska and Piotr Wacowski.
In this year's edition, the jury chose Grzegorz Głuszak for honourable mention for "Superwizjer" TVN reportage "25 years for innocence" aired on the 10th of March 2018 in TVN24, and Paweł Reszka his book "Mali Bogowie 2" (Little Gods 2).
Apart from the symbolic statuette, the winners received a financial prize of 50,000 zlotys net.
Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 International, PAP
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: tvn24