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TVN24 News in English

Organised car-stealing group arrested by Polish and German police

Another win by the police. Lower Silesian officers assisted by German police and Interpol broke up an international criminal organisation. Its members stole some 120 luxury cars worth almost 30 million zlotys. More than 100 officers took part in the large operation in the city of Wrocław and environs. In Lower Silesia, 3 men have been detained. Two of them were wanted under the European Arrest Warrant. All 3 were charge in total for 33 offenses. During the search operation, the police have found car parts from dozens of stolen vehicles. Earlier on, German police have seized two containers in which they found car parts and partially cut up vehicles. In that operation, the police have also arrested 3 people. Investigators determine that the crime group stole cars and transported them in parts or whole to Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates.

Polish police raided illegal cigarettes factory near Warsaw

An illegal cigarette factory has been closed down near Warsaw. Seven people have been detained, including six citizens of Ukraine. The suspects are between 28 and 58 years old. They have been brought to the prosecutors office and temporarily detained. Police have also secured 2,5 million cigarettes with forged trademarks of two popular brands, as well as 10 tonnes of tobacco. The value of the seized materials and machines is estimated at around 5,5 million zlotys. The cigarettes were to be smuggled into the United Kingdom.

City hall's five ideas for tackling smog problem in Wrocław

The city of Wrocław wants to introduce a programme that would reduce air pollution. The authorities are considering, among other ideas, the solution implemented in Paris, namely allowing cars with license plates with odd numbers on one day, and with even on the other. One of other potential solution is the one Norwegians applied in Oslo with introducing toll booths that would charge a small fee for driving into the city centre. Each of the five scenarios included in the report published on the city hall's website evokes mixed emotions among the residents of Wrocław.

Euro 2020: Poland in Group G with Austria, Israel, Slovenia, Macedonia and Latvia

Austria, Israel, Slovenia, Macedonia and Latvia will be Poland's rivals in Group G of in the qualifications for Euro 2020. The draw was held in Dublin on Sunday and Poland was among the highest ranked teams in pot 1. The national teams of 55 UEFA members were drawn into 10 groups - five of five teams and five of six teams.

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush has died at 94

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush, who presided over the end of the Cold War and routed Saddam Hussein's Iraqi army but lost a chance for a second term after breaking a no-new-taxes pledge, died on Friday at the age of 94.

Parliamentary committee cuts funding for Human Rights Commissioner

In the state run by Law and Justice, only the institutions filled with the ruling party's nominees receive proper funding, said Marcin Kierwiński, an MP from the opposition Civic Platform party. With these words he commented on the decision by a parliamentary committee to cut funding for the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (RPO). Law and Justice's MP Jan Mosiński argued that the RPO's activities include "political projects" that shouldn't be financed.

Polish police gets two brand new Black Hawk helicopters

At a ceremony attended by the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and the Minister of Interior Affairs and Administration Joachim Brudziński, Polish police were issued two brand new S-70i Black Hawk helicopters. Never before was the police given new helicopters, the prime minister underscored.

Traditional Kraków nativity scenes listed by UNESCO

Traditional Kraków nativity scenes listed by UNESCO. The Nativity Scene (szopka) tradition in Kraków is a social practice originating from Christmas celebration customs, centred around constructing cribs. Born in the nineteenth century, the tradition is indissolubly connected to the City of Kraków and based on skills and knowledge passed down for generations.

Priest forced to apologise to village mayor for criticising him during masses

A priest from the Stróżewo parish was agitating against the local mayor before the local elections, as he was running as a Civic Coalition's candidate. The priest was attacking the mayor during the masses, on the parish notice board and on Facebook. "He's no longer a Catholic and therefore he cannot be a councillor," he was telling the parishioners.

State Department on Mosbacher's comments regarding freedom of the press in Poland

The letter written by U.S. Ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher to the Polish government has been commented on by the U.S. administration.The spokeswoman for the State Drepartment has said Madam Ambassador Mosbacher is an excellent representative of the ideas and values of the United States, including the freedom of the press. In the letter which was leaked to the press on Tuesday, the American ambassador reminded the Polish government how important the freedom of the press is to the U.S. Congress and the spokeswoman for the State Department concurred. In the statement issued by the government spokeswoman, Joanna Kopcińska said, among others, that Poland and the United States remain in very good relations.