PM Morawiecki met with Marine Le Pen in Brussels

Premier Morawiecki spotkał się z Marine Le Pen
Premier Morawiecki spotkał się w Brukseli z Marine Le Pen
Źródło: TVN24

Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki met the President of the French far-right National Rally party (formely known as the National Front), Marine Le Pen. TVN24 correspondent Maciej Sokołowski learned from the Len Pen's office that the meeting took place in Poland's EU representation seat in Brussels. The capital of Belgium hosted a two-day European Council summit on Thursday and Friday.

The EU summit began on Thursday. The main topics of discussion were: COVID-19 pandemic, spiking energy prices, digital affairs policy, trade, migration and "recent developments related with the rule of law".

The meeting between Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Marine Le Pen took place at 9.30 a.m., before the official start of the second day of the summit.

"No one said anything about this meeting, the Polish government did not officially announce it, and still does not want to confirm it. But I've confirmed it unofficially, both from Polish and French sources," TVN24 correspondent in Brussels Maciej Sokołowski said.

Poland's government spokesperson Piotr Müller confirmed the meeting later on Friday, adding it pertained to cooperation between various circles within the European Parliament, as outlined in a declation from July of this year.

Le Pen informed about the meeting in a tweet, in which she said Morawiecki and herself discussed an "unacceptable blackmail" of Poland by the EU Commission.

Marine Le Pen, leader of French National Rally, formerly known as the National Front, is a 2022 presidential candidate. She already ran for this office twice - in 2012 and 2017. Also in the past, as an MEP, Le Pen was a member of the eurosceptic Europe of Nations and Freedom group, now replaced by Identity and Democracy group, currently supporting Poland's ruling Law and Justice party.

Latest polls show Le Pen could secure 17-18% of votes, whereas the current French President Emmanuel Macron - 24-27%.

Ahead of the EU summit, Mateusz Morawiecki took part in three bilateral meetings - with French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. He also participated in a coordinating meeting of prime ministers of the Visegrad Group member states.

See also: