TVN24 News in English

TVN24 News in English

Another record-breaking sum collected by WOŚP charity

210,813,830 zlotys. This is the sum collected during the 29th Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP) this year. It's 24 million more than in 2020. The record-breaking figure was confirmed at a conference on Monday by the charity's founder Jurek Owsiak. "We, the citizens, have taken matters into our own hands. This has been a big, huge civic effort" - he said. The money will be used to buy equipment for children's laryngology and head diagnostic wards.

Archbishop Głódź and Bishop Janiak punished by Pope Francis

Pope Francis has decided to punish Archbishop Sławoj Leszek Głódź and Bishop Edward Janiak for covering up sex abuse in the Church. They have been ordered to reside outside their dioceses and banned from participating in public religious gatherings within its borders.

Crane ship Orion I to be overhauled at Gdańsk Remontowa Shipyard

One of the largest ships used in building offshore wind turbines will be overhauled in Gdańsk shipyard. Crane ship Orion I needs to be repaired after an accident which took place in May, 2020, in a shipyard in Rostock, Germany. "Ten large shipyards in Europe competed in a bid to renovate the vessel, but the Gdańsk Remontowa Shiprepair Yard won" - said Grzegorz Landowski, communications director from Remontowa Holding.

President Duda asks OSCE to intervene over Poles in Belarus

"We will not leave our compatriots in Belarus behind, we will intervene on their behalf" - Poland's President Andrzej Duda said on Thursday. His spokesman said earlier that day the president had asked OSCE Secretary General Helga Schmid to look into the arrests of Polish activists in Belarus as soon as possible.

Poland likely to extend sanctions on Belarus after arrests of Polish activists

The chief of Poland's prime minister's office on Thursday said a judge from Belarus, who had ordered the arrest of Polish diaspora association chief Andżelika Borys, would be indefinitely banned from entering Poland. Michał Dworczyk earlier that day told TVN24 about "persecution of the Polish minority" carried out by Belarusian media. "This is a deliberate attempt by Belarusian authorities to create tensions between Poles and Belarusians" - he said about the arrest of Polish activist Andrzej Poczobut. Polish authorities did not exclude extending of sanctions already imposed on Belarus.

"Third wave is pushing". New set of nationwide restrictions announced

Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, together with Health Minister Adam Niedzielski, on Thursday announced more restrictions to curb the surging number of infections as hospitals lack enough beds and ventilators to treat COVID-19 patients. "Poland today is in the most difficult moment of the pandemic in 13 months" - the prime minister said.

He ordered to kill the Ulma family. Pilecki Institute reveals archives of Eilert Dieken

"Today, we present our own finding, never-before seen memorabilia of Eilert Dieken. The very one who decided the death of the Ulma family" - the head of the Pilecki Institute Wojciech Kozłowski said. On Wednesday, the institute presented the archive of Eilert Dieken - a German military police lieutenant who had been in charge of a unit responsible for killing the Ulma family and eight Jews they had been sheltering.

Coronavirus in Poland's football national team

Polish football association confirmed on Wednesday that one of the players selected for the upcoming World Cup qualifying games has contracted coronavirus. Leeds United midfielder Mateusz Klich won't be able to help his team, but he feels fine and does not show any symptoms.

Counting bisons. There are nearly 50 more than in 2019

Precisely 2,316. This is the official population of bisons living in Poland as of the end of 2020. The data shows there's more free-living specimens, and less live in farms. Interesting fact is the leader of the "classification", the Białowieża Forest, has only 8 bisons more than, second on the list, mountain region of Bieszczady.

Prosecutors ask for help in solving case of missing Ukrainian citizen

If he is still alive, Andriy Chemeris is 38 years old. He hasn't seen his family for a few years now, while investigators from Legnica (southwestern Poland) suspect that his body was found in a pond last year. The prosecutors ask anyone who may recognise the man in the photo to come forward. The Ukrainian citizen has left two children in his homeland, his wife died in a gas explosion.

Chief COVID advisor: total lockdown possible if the situation gets worse

"The next two weeks will be crucial" - deputy health minister Waldemar Kraska told public broadcaster Polskie Radio on Tuesday. Asked if the government was considering imposing a total lockdown, he said he was "slightly" more optimistic than Prof. Andrzej Horban. The latter, who is PM's chief COVID advisor, said on Monday that such scenario could unfold.

Poland sends medics and shares supplies to vaccinate NATO HQ

"Poland is a strong Ally who has provided support to many other Allies and partners in our joint fight against the pandemic" - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Twitter after Poland decided to send 20 medics and share its own supply of AstraZeneca vaccine to inoculate staff at the NATO headquarters. "We've always been a loyal and reliable NATO ally" - PM Mateusz Morawiecki said on Facebook.

PM: More people in Poland willing to take AstraZeneca shot

Poland is seeing an increase in people willing to take AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine, the prime minister said on Monday, after reports that as many as 70% in some places had been unwilling to get the shot due to safety concerns. His aide Michał Dworczyk reassured later that day the vaccine was safe to use, and that the first stage of the vaccination programme should be complete in the second quarter of 2021.