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TVN24 News in English

Poland welcomes EU election results with concerns over bloc's shift right

Poles in Warsaw welcomed the results of the European Parliament elections on Monday (June 10) but some expressed concern about a surge in the far right. European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen began trying to piece together a coalition that would counterbalance the bloc's conservative shift, spurring French President Emmanuel Macron to call a snap national vote.

Exit poll: Civic Coalition wins most votes in European election

According to exit poll results from Ipsos, the Civic Coalition received the most votes in the European election with 38.2%. Law and Justice garnered 33.9% of the votes, Confederation 11.9%, Third Way 8.2%, and The Left 6.6%. Voter turnout was 39.7%. This marks the first victory in 10 years for Donald Tusk's party.

Polish MFA says it won't respond to Belarusian "propaganda twists"

In a protest note to Belarus regarding the death of a Polish soldier at the border, Poland has sent a clear message: either Minsk is protecting the perpetrator, or it is not - the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paweł Wroński, said on Friday (June 7). "Everything else is some incomprehensible propaganda twist," he added. Warsaw demanded that Minsk find and hand over the person who stabbed the soldier to the Polish authorities. In its response, Belarus blamed Poland for the current state of relations between the two countries.

Police serving at Belarus border are to carry firearms

Due to increasing aggression at the Polish-Belarusian border, police officers serving there have been ordered to carry handguns, police spokeswoman Katarzyna Nowak told the Polish Press Agency (PAP). The increased police presence is a respons eto the heightened number of migrant attacks on officers and soldiers serving in the border zone.

Former Orlen CEO fails again to stand before parliamentary committee

Daniel Obajtek, former CEO of state-controlled oil giant PKN Orlen, once again failed to appear for questioning before the parliamentary investigative commission on the so-called visa-for-cash scandal. He was summoned for Friday noon. Obajtek said on social media that he would not participate Civic Coalition's "circus".

PM Tusk wants legal changes to support soldiers protecting borders

The possibility of using force and weapons in a threatening situation must be something obvious to a Polish soldier or officer when defending the border, Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Friday (June 7) after a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defense Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, and Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar. Tusk added that, at the request of the justice minister, he decided to dismiss prosecutor Tomasz Janeczek, Deputy Prosecutor General for Military Affairs.

Former Orlen CEO and PiS chairman summoned before visa scandal committee

The chairman of the parliamentary commission investigating the so-called visa-for-cash scandal said on social media on Thursday (June 6) that summonses for PiS chairman Jarosław Kaczyński and the former CEO of oil refiner Orlen Daniel Obajtek have been successfully delivered. The panel is probing claims that officials under the former government of the Law and Justice (PiS) party accelerated visa applications for migrant workers in return for payments. The leader of Law and Justice announced that he would appear before the committee.

Brutal attack on a teenage girl. Peers told her to apologize and battered her

A teenage girl kneels on the sidewalk and apologizes to a group of girls her age. After a moment, one of them knees her in the head. The victim falls, and the attacker continues to strike her. Unfortunately, this was not a scene from a movie, but a real assault that occurred during the day on one of the streets in Poznań. The recording was posted online, and the police acted swiftly.

Latest poll ahead of EU Parliament election. KO slightly ahead of PiS

According to the latest poll conducted by the Opinia24 research institute commissioned by "Fakty" TVN and TVN24, 34 percent of respondents intend to vote for the Civic Coalition (KO) in the European Parliament elections. Law and Justice (PiS) would receive 32 percent of support. The Confederation also made it to the podium.

Controversy over soldiers detained after firing shots at migrants

Soldiers who fired warning shots at a group of migrants who tried to force their way into Poland through the Belarusian border have been detained but not arrested, Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz reported. He said the incident had occurred at the end of March and that he had been informed about it at that time. The minister added that the matter is under investigation. Two of the three soldiers have been charged so far.

Robert Lewandowski on Euro 2024 in Germany: it's a sentimental return for me

Robert Lewandowski is awaiting the Euro 2024 tournament eagerly, but with inner peace. He is pleased that this time the bubble of expectations ahead of the tournament is not excessively inflated. "I've changed my approach to major tournaments a bit," the captain of Poland's national football team told TVN24's Monika Olejnik.