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TVN24 News in English

Poland to play crucial game against Sweden in sweltering heat

After losing their opener to Slovakia 2-1, Poland got their campaign back on track with a 1-1 draw against Spain, but they must beat Sweden to have any chance of reaching the knockout stage. It's all or nothing for Poland on Wednesday and it's not going to be easy. Not only in terms of purely football-related issues.

Sejm committee rejects opposition bid for no confidence vote against minister Dworczyk

The Sejm Administration and Internal Affairs Committee rejected a motion to express vote of no confidence to prime minister's chancellery chief Michał Dworczyk. The motion filed by Civic Coalition pertained to last year's planned presidential election that had not happened in the end, and in relation to which the Supreme Audit Office has notified the prosecutor. The minister did not show up at the session, but was represented by the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers Łukasz Schreiber.

Slovak PM offers help after terrible fire in Polish village

Slovakia's Prime Minister Eduard Heger has declared his country is ready to provide any help Poland could need after the fire in the village of Nowa Biała in southern Poland. The offer of support met with a reply from Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. "We can always count on our friendship with Slovakia" - he said in a tweet. Located in the region of Spisz, Nowa Biała was historically a Slovak village. Members of Slovak minority in Poland live there today.

Two coffins with headless remains unearthed in Świdnica

Prosecutors from Świdnica in southwestern Poland have ended their inquiry into coffins discovered in the centre of the city. It's certain that a middle-aged man and woman were buried inside. They had died in the second half of the 19th century. There were no skulls in the coffins.

Senate rejects Lidia Staroń as human rights commissioner

Majority of senators voted against Lidia Staroń's bid to become a new Commissioner for Human Rights. The upper house decision to reject the candidate backed by the ruling Law and Justice party means that the parliament will have make yet another attempt. So far, Polish lawmakers tried to appoint commissioner Adam Bodnar's successor six times.

Health minister: we must be prepared for the fourth wave

"The system is getting back to normal, but at the same time we should be preparing for a potential fourth wave of the pandemic" - Health Minister Adam Niedzielski said on Thursday. He reassured that the current "moment of relief" was being used for training in the scope of using ventilators and working at COVID wards.

Poland records second-highest increase in prices in the EU

Inflation in Poland in May 2021 went up by 4.6 percent year on year and was the second-highest in the EU, right after Hungary (5.3%). According to figures published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, only Greece saw consumer prices drop (-1.2%).

"Using army would be a PR loss". Turmoil after leak from "Michał Dworczyk's email account"

"Sending army would be a PR loss and suggest that the government sees protesters as a threat" - minister Michał Dworczyk is said to have written on the 27th of October 2020 in an email to, among others, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. During that time a wave of protests against the Constitutional Tribunal's ruling on abortion swept through Poland. It's unclear who came up with the idea to send the army. The opposition demands answers, the prime minister and his office remain silent.

Sejm approves PiS candidate for human rights commissioner

Poland's lower house of parliament has approved Lidia Staroń as candidate for Commissioner for Human Rights. The minimum threshold to be approved was 228 votes. The candidate backed by the ruling Law and Justice party received 231 votes in favour, while the opposition-backed candidate Professor Marcin Wiącek - 222. In order to become Poland's ombudsman, Lidia Staroń now needs to be approved by the upper house, the Senate.

Man in Wrocław gets hit by a tram and walks away

Central Wrocław. A man stands on a traffic island separating lanes and all of a sudden enters a crosswalk straight in front of an incoming tram. The vehicle hits the pedestrian who bumps off, somersaults, stands up and walks away. The video has been sent to us via Kontakt24 platform.

"Complete silence in the dressing room" after Poland's loss against Slovakia

"There's no point in hiding behind mistakes, we played a bad game. We can only apologise to everyone. For long minutes there was complete silence in the dressing room" - spokesman for Poland's football national team Jakub Kwiatkowski said on Tuesday. On Monday, Poland's top players lost to Slovakia 1:2, significantly slimming their chances of qualifying to Euro 2020 knock-out stage.

"We'll take that risk" Kaczyński and Kukiz announce cooperation

"This is an agreement which assumes that we will support a handful of bills important for Kukiz'15, and our colleagues will back the Polish Deal" - Law and Justice party chairman Jarosław Kaczyński said on Monday, announcing programme alliance with Paweł Kukiz. Both politicians presented details of the deal at a joint press conference. Kaczyński added that Kukiz "has plenty of interesting ideas which could improve the quality of Polish democracy and Polish public sphere".

CJEU grants expedited procedure in rule of law conditionality cases

The President of the Court of Justice of the European Union has decided to grant the expedited procedure in cases concerning conditionality for the protection of the EU budget in the event of rule of law violation in Hungary and Poland. The trial will take place on October 11-12 - the CJEU informed on Friday on Twitter.