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TVN24 News in English

Poznań: 25 years of prison for the perpetrators of a brutal murder near Sieraków

Regional Court in Poznań has sentenced the perpetrators of a brutal murder near Sieraków (Greater Poland Voivodeship) for 25 years in prison. In February last year, Piotr D. and the brothers Meteusz D. and Tomasz D., all acting with extreme brutality, murdered Patryk R. The perpetrators of this horrifying crime claim that the victim was terrorizing the neighborhood and, on top of that, owed them money for breaking windows in their home. Furthermore, they said that the police had been notified on numerous occasions about the disturbing behaviour of Patryk R. Since, there was no reaction from the law enforcement, the three men lured their victim to a secluded place where they murdered him in an extremely brutal way. Soon after they buried the body in a forest and, in order to cover their tracks, planted moss and trees on the burial place.

Ship's owner: nine sailors abducted by pirates are safe; negotiations underway

The nine sailors who remain behind on the Pomerania Sky cargo ship after some its crew members were kidnapped are safe. This information comes from a spokesperson for the ship's owner. One week ago on the coast of Nigeria, pirates kidnapped eleven members of the ship's crew, including eight Poles. Negotiations with the pirates are currently underway.

Local elections in Poland: Law and Justice lost in every major city

According to official results of the second round of local elections, mayor of Gdańsk Paweł Adamowicz, mayor of Kraków Jacek Majchrowski, mayor of Szczecin Piotr Krzystek, as well as mayor of Olsztyn Piotr Grzymowicz have all been re-elected for another term. The city of Kielce, however, has chosen a new mayor - Bogdan Wenta.

Police: 32 people have died in Polish roads since Wednesday morning

"According to the initial data, on friday alone there were 79 accidents in which 96 people got injured and 11 lost their lives. It means that since the beginning of the "Znicz" operation, that is from Wednesday morning, there was a total of 266 accidents which took the lives of 32 people and left 314 injured," said Officer Dawid Marciniak from the General Police Headquarters in Warsaw. He added that from Wednesday morning to Friday midnight, 590 drunk drivers were apprehended.

Italian farmer sues Polish defense ministry; claims army chopper scared his cows

A "Sokół" (Falcon) helicopter belonging to the Polish Army had a dangerously-looking emergency landing during training near Padua, Italy. Luckily, the soldiers came out the accident unharmed, but the machine burst into flames on a field belonging to a local farmer. According to his lawyer, a thick, toxic smoke got into his cowsheds and caused great losses. Now, the Italians are taking Polish Defense Ministry to court, demanding over 120,000 euros of compensation.

Robotic Theatre at the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw

Be sure to get your tickets! The Copernicus Science Centre has prepared three performances with robots for lovers of technology. The mechanised actors were brought to life with the voices of famous Polish actors like Piotr Fronczewski and Wiktor Zborowski.

Wojtek, the WWII hero-bear honoured with animated movie and his own day

"A bear named Wojtek," a new Polish-British animated movie based on an unlikely, but nevertheless true story of a bear which spent the Second World War with Polish soldiers under General Anders. Wojtek was more than a mascot. For example, during the battle of Monte Cassino he helped soldiers carry munitions. After the war, the hero-bear retired to Edinburgh zoo. There's been a monument to him in that town since 2015, and as of this year, October the 20th will be known as "Wojtek Day".

Police: so far 21 people lost their lives on Polish roads since Wednesday

So far, at least 21 people have died on the roads during the All Saints' Day long weekend. As usual, the police are trying to minimise the number of accidents by lauching the "Znicz" action (Operation Votive Candle). Officer Dawid Marciniak from the General Police Headquarters said on Friday that since Wednesday morning, there were 193 accidents on Polish roads, which took lives of 21 people and left 218 injured. The police have stopped 393 drivers under influence of alcohol.

The international anti-piracy front is being formed in Warsaw

The international anti-piracy front is being formed in Warsaw. It's not just the question of fighting against the phenomenon, but also hard work to change the mentality of people. Furthermore, it's not just a question of targeting users, but finding those who are responsible for circulating the material. This is where the international cooperation is necessary.

Research: over four million Polish internet users suffer from FOMO

Sixteen percent of Polish internet users, so over four million people, are suffering of FOMO or Fear of Missing Out. In other words, such people are afraid of switching off the internet and social network sites. These are the results of a survey carried out by the University of Warsaw and the "Ariadna" research panel. The group that shows the most severe symptoms are 15- to 24-year-olds.

More and more police officers all over Poland are taking sick leaves

The first days of November are All Saints' Day on the 1st and All Souls' Day on the 2nd. These are traditionally very important dates for Poles. Millions of people are now on their way to visit the graves of their loved ones and traditionally police road patrols are on their guard during the "Znicz" (Candle) operation. However, this time it might be hampered in Łódź voivodeship where police officers are taking sick leaves en masse. Similar situation is taking place in many other parts of Poland. The General Police Headquarters explains that it's due to "illness season", whereas police trade unions speak openly about a "reaction to a lack of will" to meet the demand of the officers.