To mark the end of the "Pride Month" U.S. Embassy in Warsaw released a deeply moving video. Polish members of the LGBTQI+ community were asked to read out comments that appear under social media posts promoting equality. "Words matter. It's time to end the hate" - the U.S. Embassy wrote in a tweet.
Wednesday was the last day of the "Pride Month", which is celebrated in June to commemorate Stonewall riots of June 1969.
To mark the end of this year's "Pride Month" the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw released a special video showing the importance and power of language.
"We read carefully the comments that appear under our posts about equality for LGBTQI + people. Among them there are words full of support, but there are also comments that should have never been said" - reads a short statement at U.S. Embassy's website.
"We asked a few people from the Polish LGBTQI+ environment to read comments in front of the camera – imagine that someone writes such words about you or your loved ones.
"It’s time to end the hate. We are all equal, and we should treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves."
"Research shows that nearly 70 percent of LGBT people experience some forms of violence, at least verbal, only because they are LGBT persons" - attorney Karolina Gierdal from Campaign Against Homophobia told TVN24.
In Poland - she added - "we have a situation allowing violence through dehumanization of LGBT people". "This happens when we hear that LGBT persons are not people, but an ideology. This is a consent for such comments to appear in public sphere, and unfortunately they appear more often" - Gierdal said.
Źródło: TVN24 News in English, U.S. Embassy in Poland
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: Twitter/@USEmbassyWarsaw