Youth lobby at United Nations climate conference in Katowice

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Źródło: TVN24 International

The United Nations climate conference held its "Young and Future Generations Day" (YFGD) on Thursday as the talks to establish the "rule book" for the Paris Agreement entered their fifth day.

The event held on the sidelines of the talks was aimed at providing a "space for youth to showcase their activities, outline their expectations for YFGD and COP24, and engage in a dialogue with stakeholders and representatives from the U.N. and beyond," the UNFCCC said on its website.

Toby Thorpe, YFGD participant from Australia, said young people were being heard, but they were not being appreciated.

"Young people need to be appreciated because they are the decision makers of the future and this is their future as well," Thorpe said.

COP24 talks are billed as the most important U.N. conference since the landmark Paris 2015 deal on climate change. Over the next two weeks, the aim is to make an end-of-year deadline for agreeing a rule book on how to enforce global action to limit further warming of the planet.

Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 International, Reuters

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