Tusk: the giant has awoken, no one will silence us now

tusk 1
Tusk: nikt nas dzisiaj nie zagłuszy
Źródło: TVN24

"When I look at the center of Warsaw today and see the unending crowd of people who came to manifest their anger, but also their hope, I realize I long haven't thought the words "this is Poland" match this time and place so well," Civic Platform chairman and former prime minister Donald Tusk said before the June 4 march of opposition supporters.

The June 4 march "against soaring prices, thievery and lies, in support of free elections and democratic, European Poland" went through the streets of Warsaw and other cities on Sunday.

Shortly before the march commenced at Plac Na Rozdrożu, Civic Platform chairman Donald Tusk gave a short speech. "We're here at high noon. Don't be afraid, no one will silence us today," he said.

"We are here on June 4, at high noon. I see an ocean of human faces, a wave of white-and-red flags. There are thousands of us with Poland in our hearts, tens of thousands, millions of Polish men and women in front of TVs who held the line and did not get discouraged. Poland is our hearts and that's why we've survived these tough years," Tusk said, looking at the former president Lech Wałęsa who stood right next to him.

The crowd then chanted Wałęsa's name and "thank you". Tusk said the gathered dedicated their gratitude also to "whole generation of 'Solidarity' which has won freedom and independence through dedication and courage, withot bloodshed and violence".

"Today we're faced with a similar mission, of a similar gravity. And today too, all good-willed people in Poland will march to victory with their dedication, courage, serenity, and optimism," the Civic Platform chief stressed. "When I look at the center of Warsaw today and see the unending crowd of people who came to manifest their anger, but also their hope, I realize I long haven't thought the words 'this is Poland' match this time and place so well," he added. "Yes, this is Poland."

Lech Wałęsa
Lech Wałęsa
Źródło: TVN24

Tusk also said "the first step to shake off the yoke of oppression is to have courage to be free, the first step to victory is to realize one's own strength". "We are here so that the whole of Poland, the whole Europe, and the whole world could see how strong we are, how many of us are ready again, just like 40 and 30 years ago, to fight for democracy, for Poland and for our rights," he said.

"Nothing will stop this voice, this wave now. The giant has awoken. I'm proud and happy to be here in Warsaw today and say at high noon: we will win" - he concluded.

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