According to the latest, revised data, Poland's economy increased by 6.8% in 2021 - the country's Central Statistical Office (Statistics Poland) informed on Wednesday (October 5). In April, the agency reported that Poland's GDP had increased by 5.9% in 2021.
"According to the revised estimate, gross domestic product (GDP) in 2021 increased by 6.8% in comparison to 2020. The result has changed compared to previously published on 22nd April 2022 by 0.9 percentage points," Statistics Poland said in a press release on Wednesday.
Statistic Poland explained it had developed "a full, revised estimation of gross domestic product (GDP) for 2021 based on annual sources of information and the revised final estimate for 2020".
"The presented data on GDP and its components for 2021 have been revised in comparison to the previously published on 22nd April 2022 due to taking into account the more complete annual information on the results in 2021 in the following statistical areas: corporate finance, foreign trade in goods and services and notification of the deficit and debt of the general government sector for the purpose of October EDP notification," we read.
"The gross domestic product data takes into account the results of the data revision covering the period 2010-2020. The revision included the use of new data sources and the improvement of compilation of the selected transactions in the national accounts," the agency added.
"The result of the revised estimate of gross domestic product for 2021 are changes in absolute levels and real GDP dynamics and its components," the statement said.
Źródło: TVN24 News in English, Statistics Poland
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