Candidacy of prof. Marcin Wiącek for Commissioner for Human Rights was officially submitted in the Sejm on Friday. The motion was put forward by MPs from three parliamentary clubs and two groups.
The motion includes academic and legal experience of the candidate for ombudsman. "Prof. Marcin Wiącek matches all requirements necessary to become a successful Commissioner for Human Rights. He has deep knowledge and experience. He is not politically affiliated, enjoys respect and authority. He is a man sensitive to human suffering" - we read.
It was also mentioned that MP Krzysztof Paszyk (KP-PSL) would represent the motion's proposers.
The deadline for submitting candidated for commissioner passed on Friday at 4 p.m. This is a sixth attempt to appoint successor to Adam Bodnar, whose term ended in September 2020. Candidates must be first approved by the Sejm and then by the Senate.
Lawyer and Warsaw University professor has already lost one bid to become commissioner. In the previous, fifth, attempt by the parliament to choose Bodnar's replacement, Wiącek was rejected by the lower house. His opponent backed by the ruling PiS party, senator Lidia Staroń, was approved by the Sejm, but later rejected by the upper house.
This time Wiącek enjoys support of all parliamentary clubs and so he is likely to be approved by both houses of parliament and become the new ombudsman.
After a ruling by the Constitutional Tribunal, saying the rule allowing the commissioner to remain in office until a successor is chosen was unconstitutional, Adam Bodnar has to leave office by July 15.
Autorka/Autor: gf
Źródło: TVN24 News in English, PAP