Greenpeace protest in Warsaw. Activists block entry to State Assets Ministry

Protest Greencpeace przed Ministerstwem Aktywów Państwowych
Greenpeace activists protest in Warsaw
Źródło: TVN24

Approximately 100 Greenpeace activists have been protesting since early morning on Thursday in front of the Ministry of State Assets in Warsaw. They demand Polish power plants quit burning coal by 2030. They have blocked the entrance to the ministry.

Katarzyna Guzek from Greenpeace told TVN24 that it was a peaceful protest under the banner "All for climate". "They are climate activists who gathered in front of the State Assets Ministry basically in order to shut down the ministry's operations today," Guzek said.

The activists explained that in the ministry decisions were being made regarding state-owned companies, including those responsible for energy and coal. "This sector is the most detrimental to the climate crisis, and we already know now that there's very little time left. The activists call upon minister Sasin and the whole government to adopt an ultimate deadline for ending coal use, that is by 2030. Poland must quit burning coal," Katarzyna Guzek said.

Chained to containers

She also said that in the coming years Poland should also quit using natural gas and crude oil. "We're in a climate crisis and we haven't got much time to prevent a natural disaster," she said.

"We plan to stay here all day, because the ministry isn't operating like it should anyway. We hope that employees of this ministry will use this day to think how to quit coal by 2030," Guzek added.

Activists holding banners saying: "Poland without coal 2030", "Just transition now", "All for climate" have blocked the entrance to the building. They also set up plastic containers with signs saying: "Enough talking" and "We've had enough". The protesters have chained themselves to the containers. Also a van has been parked on a driveway with a banner saying: "Enough talking. Time to act".

Small traffic disruption

The police were also present at the location. "It's peaceful there. Officers are present and keeping everyone safe. None of streets has been fully closed," Edyta Adamus from Warsaw Police said after 7 a.m.

According to reporter, on the other hand, small traffic disruptions have occurred. "The protest takes place at Wspólna street, but it has a dead and so it's not causing congestion. But police cars have taken one lane on Krucza, next to the ministry, and a short section of Żurawia," our reporter Mateusz Szmelter said around 8 a.m.

TVN24 reporter Paweł Łukasik said, in turn, that ministry employees were being directed by police officers to side entrances of the government building complex. "The ministry is to carry on as usual, according to its spokesperson," Łukasik said. He later informed that the police were checking the protesters' IDs.

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