Duda after call with Biden: no declaration to send any military forces to Ukraine

Prezydent Andrzej Duda
Andrzej Duda po rozmowie z Bidenem i innymi sojusznikami USA w sprawie sytuacji wokół Ukrainy
Źródło: TVN24

President Andrzej Duda said after Friday's call with U.S. President Joe Biden, leaders of the EU and NATO, and of a few countries, that "there is an absolute unity among Western leaders, there's a deep need for solidarity". He added that no declarations were made regarding sending any military forces to Ukraine, but there was readiness to support Ukraine financially and through arms deliveries, especially defensive means.

U.S. President Joe Biden held a teleconference with leaders of allied countries regarding situation in Ukraine and the threat of Russian invasion of that country. Poland's President Andrzej Duda also took part.

President: absolute unity among Western leaders

After the call, president Duda issued a statement in which he informed that the leaders had discussed the "problem of Russian aggression against Ukraine, and increased Russian presence along the borders of Ukraine and Belarus". "We've once more discussed potential scenarios," he added.

"There is an absolute unity among Western leaders, there's a deep need for solidarity (...), however there's no declaration to send any military forces to Ukraine. Nevertheless, there is readiness to support Ukraine both financially, and through deliveries of arms and other means that Ukraine might need, we're talking especially defensive means," Andrzej Duda said.

"Actions taken by Russia, by president Putin, have caused such a unity in the West that we haven't observed in a long time. They have caused an explosion of patriotism in Ukraine," the president added.

Duda: there's a need to complete the system of sanctions against Russia

Duda also said that "all leaders who met today spoke with one voice". He added that should Russia attacked Ukraine, there would be a necessity to complete the system of sanctions against Moscow.

In the president's opinion, the West should talk with Russia and seek ways "not to lose face" in this situation, but "certainly not by yielding" to Putin.

"One must absolutely not yield to Russia. When you yield to Russia, then Russia sees it as weakness and turns even more aggressive," he said.

President: NATO has a joint idea on how to solve this problem

President Duda also stressed that the "NATO is not falling back". "On the contrary, NATO is gaining foothold in central Europe" - he added.

"We must build our defensive security so that we don't get attacked, and to make it clear that we are ready repel an attack if it takes place," he said. "Dialogue is of course necessary and we will have to continue this dialogue until the very last moment. We've all agreed on this," Duda said.

He underscored that he could not reveal anything more due to "security classification clause". "But I assure, NATO is united, NATO is standing together. NATO has a joint idea on how to solve this present problem. But first and foremost, NATO is strong in its unity and prepared," said Poland's president.

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