According to estimates, the budget deficit for 2018 shouldn’t exceed 15 billion zlotys, informed the Minister of Finance Teresa Czerwińska. She stressed, however, that the ministry is still counting the exact figure.
"2018 isn’t over yet so it’s still premature to precisely determine this year’s budget results. As it happens, the budget cycle assumes the highest spending in December and everything seems to be pointing that we will end 2018 with a deficit," said the minister.
"We’re currently still determining the exact figures. The estimates suggest that the budget deficit shouldn’t exceed 15 billion zlotys," she added.
The budget regulations for 2018 allow a deficit as high as 41,5 billion zlotys. However, in a substantiation of budget project for the next year, the ministry said it estimated the deficit for the current year to equal 23,76 billion zlotys.
Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 News in English, PAP
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: tvn24