Energy minister: Ostrołęka power plant will be the last coal-powered energy source in Poland

The visualisation of the Ostrołęka C power plant. According to energy minister this will be the last coal-powered energy source in Poland
Turek (woj. wielkopolskie)
Źródło: Google Earth Pro

Power plant in Ostrołęka will be the last coal-powered source in Poland, however, our economy requires creating of new energy sources, the Minister of energy, Krzysztof Tchórzewski told the Polish Press Agency (PAP).

"Due to the dynamic growth which results in a rapid demand for energy from individual consumers and industry, the Polish economy requires an urgent creation of new energy sources," Tchórzewski said.

Nevertheless, as the minister reassured, Ostrołęka power plant "will be the last coal-powered plant in Poland".

Tchórzewski added that after 2021, due to "unprofitable modernisation in relation to emission limits" - so-called BAT (Best Available Technology), it will be necessary to close down the oldest coal-powered units. "As a result, the amount of imported coal used in energy sector will become lower," he underscored.

Resolutions adopted in 2017 by the European Commission, the so-called BAT, set stricter regulations for industrial emissions, including coal power plants. BAT introduced, among others, rules stricter than in the industrial emissions directive, regarding pollutions such as sulphur dioxide, nitric oxide and particulate matter. Other substances with restricted emission levels are mercury, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride and ammonia.

"If we want to keep energy independence and safety of Poland, than the construction of new 7-9 MW energy sources within next dozen years would be a necessity. Therefore, the Polish energy policy assumes construction of nuclear plants," said the minister of energy.

Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 News in English

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