The District Prosecutor's Office in Jelenia Góra has extended, until 30 June 2019, an investigation of the death of Magdalena Żuk in Egypt. The 27-year-old woman died in Egypt in April 2017 as a result of injuries sustained due to a fall from the first or second floor of a hospital.
As the spokesman for the Prosecutor's Office, Tomasz Czułowski explained, the reason for the extension of the inquiry is the wait for a supplementary opinion of toxicology experts.
"It's necessary for a complete interpretation of the so-far provided expert-opinions from which further actions might result," added Czułowski.
Died on vacation
The 27-year-old Magdalena Żuk took a vacation and went for a trip to one of the resorts in Marsa-Alam. After two days, the woman's partner who was in contact with her over the phone became worried with her behaviour; he arranged her earlier return to Poland. Due to her deteriorating condition, Żuk was taken to a hospital.
At the same time, her friend came to Egypt, in order to take her home. Once he got to the hospital, he found out that the woman was dead. She died as a result of injuries sustained due to a fall from the first or second floor of a hospital in Marsa-Alam.
Two hundred witnessess
The investigation into the death of the woman is conducted by the District Prosecutor's Office in Jelenia Góra. In January 2018, the investigators revealed that according to the post-mortem and lab results the death was caused by a fall from height. The prosecutors said no indications of rape or any other violence were found.
By far, some 200 witnessess were interrogated, including passengers of the plane that Magdalena Żuk travelled with, tourists from her hotel or people who had saw her at the airport before departing to Egypt. Furthermore, the investigators questioned people closest to the woman, including the members of her family and her fiancée.
Do 30 czerwca 2019 r. Prokuratura Okręgowa w Jeleniej Górze przedłużyła śledztwo w sprawie śmierci Magdaleny Żuk. 27-letnia kobieta zmarła w kwietniu 2017 roku w Egipcie w wyniku obrażeń odniesionych wskutek upadku z pierwszego lub drugiego piętra szpitala. Jak poinformował rzecznik Prokuratury Okręgowej w Jeleniej Górze prok. Tomasz Czułowski, powodem przedłużenia śledztwa ws. śmierci Żuk jest oczekiwanie na uzupełniającą opinię biegłych z zakresu toksykologii. - Jest ona konieczna dla pełnej interpretacji dotychczas uzyskanych opinii biegłych i być może wynikną z niej kolejne czynności – podał prok. Czułowski. (
Autor: gf / Źródło: TVN24 News in English
Źródło zdjęcia głównego: Fakty TVN